To prepare a MySQL server for SPP, refer to the documentation for your MySQL server for information about how to setup and secure encryption.

To enable SSL server certificate validation, add the server’s signing authority certificate to the Trusted Certificates store in SPP. For more information, see Trusted CA Certificates.

For more information about how SPP database servers use SSL, see How do SPP database servers use SSL.

SQL accounts supported

Safeguard can support MySQL accounts that have been created with the format <username> or <username>@< range of IP addresses>. The permitted range of IP addresses must include the IP address of the Safeguard appliance. The % character can be used as a wildcard.


  • Sam : Permit Sam to log in from any host (default)
  • Sam@%: Permit Sam to log in from any host
  • Sam@10.1.%: Permit Sam to log in from any IP address in 10.1.xx