You can use Credential Security Service Provider (CredSSP, also called Network Level Authentication or NLA) when One Identity Safeguard for Privileged Sessions (SPS) is member of the domain.

  • The target servers and SPS must be in the same domain, or you must establish trust between the domains that contain the target servers and SPS. For details on the type of trust required, see Using One Identity Safeguard for Privileged Sessions (SPS) across multiple domains in the Administration Guide.

To use NLA with domain membership

  1. Navigate to Traffic Controls > RDP > Settings, and select the RDP settings policy that you use in your connection policies.

  2. Select the Enable Network Level Authentication > Require domain membership option.

  3. Navigate to Traffic Controls > RDP > Domain membership.

  4. Enter the name of the domain (for example mydomain) into the Domain field.

    Figure 157: Traffic Controls > RDP > Domain membership — Joining a domain

  5. Enter the name of the realm (for example into the Full domain name field.

    NOTE: Ensure that your DNS settings are correct and that the full domain name can be resolved from SPS. To check this, navigate to Basic Settings > Troubleshooting > Ping, enter the full domain name into the Hostname field, and select Ping host.

  6. Click .

  7. Click Join domain. A pop-up window is displayed.

  8. SPS requires an account to your domain to be able to join the domain. Enter the following information:

    • The name of the user into the Username field.

    • The password into the Password field.

      NOTE: SPS accepts passwords that are not longer than 150 characters and supports the following characters:

      • Letters A-Z, a-z

      • Numbers 0-9

      • The space character

      • Special characters: !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<>=?@[]\^-`{}_|

    • The name of your domain controller into the Domain controller field. If you leave this field blank, SPS tries to find the domain controller automatically.

      NOTE: Ensure that your DNS settings are correct and that the hostname of the domain controller can be resolved from SPS. To check this, navigate to Basic Settings > Troubleshooting > Ping, enter the name of the domain controller into the Hostname field, and select Ping host.

    • The organizational unit (OU) into the Organization unit field.

      The OU string reads from top to bottom without RDNs, and is delimited by a '/'. Note that '\' is used for escape by both the shell and ldap, so it may need to be doubled or quadrupled to pass through, and it is not used as a delimiter.

  9. Click Join domain.

  10. If successful, SPS displays the name of the domain it joined.

    NOTE: If you need SPS to leave the domain for some reason, click Leave domain.