By default, nodes do not have any roles assigned to them. The only exception is the Central Management node, which you specifically promoted to fulfill that role. To assign a role to a node in the cluster, complete the following steps.

  1. Open a transaction.

    For details, see Open a transaction.

  2. Update the JSON object of the node.

    PUT the role you want to assign to the node and the node's IP address as a JSON object to the https://<IP-address-of-Central-Management-node>/api/cluster/nodes/<node-id-of-node-to-be-updated> endpoint.

    You can assign the following roles to a node:


    The central-management role can only be assigned using the /api/cluster/promote endpoint.


    Ensure that each node has a search role and only one search role.

    Role Description

    There can be several nodes with this role.

    Nodes with the Managed Host role synchronize their entire configuration from the Central Management node, not only those elements of the configuration that are related to the cluster.


    There can be only one node with this role.

    The Search Master node is the one node in the cluster on which you can search all the session data recorded by other nodes in the cluster, provided that the other nodes have been assigned the Search Minion role.


    There can be several nodes with this role.

    Nodes with the Search Minion role send session data that they recorded to the Search Master for central search purposes. The session data recorded by a Search Minion node is not searchable on the node itself, only on the Search Master.


    There can be several nodes with this role.

    Nodes with the Search Local role keep the session data that they recorded for local searching. The session data recorded by a Search Local node is searchable on the node itself, but not on the Search Master.

    This is the only backward-compatible search role.

    For further details on roles, see "Cluster roles" in the Administration Guide.

    The body of the PUT request should be the following:

        "roles": ["<role-to-assign>"],
        "address": "<IP-address-of-node-to-be-updated>"

    For example:

    curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" --cookie cookies -X PUT https://<IP-address-of-Central-Management-node>/api/cluster/nodes/46f97a58-4028-467d-9a22-9cfe78ae3e1c --data '{"roles": ["managed-host"], "address": "<IP-address-of-node-to-be-updated>"}'
  3. Commit your changes.

    For details, see Commit a transaction.