Ensure the profile is not currently assigned to an object in TPAM. The current assigned profiles can be seen on the Details > Management tab of the System, Account or Template.
1/ To confirm it is not assigned to a Managed System or Managed Account:
- Go to Systems, Accounts & Collections > Accounts > Manage Accounts
- On the Filter tab, select the profile in question from the "Password Change Profile" or "Password Check Profile" drop down menus. You can leave the other filter fields empty.
- Click the Listing tab and this will list an Accounts that currently have that Profile assigned.
- Modify the Accounts to use an alternate profile, so that the one you wish to delete is no longer in use.
Repeat this for Systems at
- Go to Systems, Accounts & Collections > Systems > Manage Systems
Alternately, you can export a list to a spreadsheet and sort by the PasswordChangeProfile or PasswordCheckProfile columns:
- Go to Systems, Accounts & Collections > Accounts > List Accounts OR
- Go to Systems, Accounts & Collections > Systems > List Systems
- Click the Export to Excel or Export to CSV buttons and open or save the file.
- Edit the column values to the name of a different profile and save the file.
- In TPAM, go to the Batch Processing menu and select Update Systems or Update Accounts.
- Use this file as the batch import source and you can bulk update many Accounts at once.
Next, confirm the Profiles are not assigned to any Templates. You can select the "Templates Only" filter option to display only Templates in the System Listing.
2/ Please also ensure the Profiles you wish to delete are not assigned to a Synchronized Password:
- Go to Systems, Accounts & Collections > Passwords > Managed Synchronized Passwords
- On the Listing tab, select a Synchronized Password
- Then select the Details tab and review the Change and Check profiles assigned.
- Go back to the Listing tab and select the next Synchronized Password and review its settings etc.
3/ Ensure that the Profiles you wish to delete are not assigned to any soft deleted system or / accounts
To remove the soft deleted systems and accounts
From /tpam -> Systems -> Deleted Systems -> Listing. If any systems exist click on "Hard-Delete All"
From /tpam -> Accounts -> Deleted Accounts -> Listing. If any systems exist click on "Hard-Delete All"
If you have verified all of the above information and the profile you wish to delete is not assigned to anything, there is one more possibility for why you may not be able to delete it. When upgrading from a previous version to 2.5.915 or later, the legacy System and Account Management settings need to be converted to Change and Check Profiles. During this process, 1 Change and 1 Check Profile are selected as the Default and are assigned to the Default Template (which acts as the template for new Systems and Accounts when no other Templates exist.) These Profiles cannot be deleted, however, they can be renamed and repurposed.