Enabling the Java Console logs should help provide details on the activities of the TPAM Java Application.
To enable the logging, perform the following steps:
1. Open the Control Panel of the local workstation
2. Click on the “Java” Application
3. Click the “Advanced” tab
4. Enable the checkbox for “Enable Tracing” and “Enable Logging” under the “Debugging” section
5. Click “Ok”
6. Delete all old logs from the Java folder:
a. On Linux, Unix: “<user.home>/.java/deployment/log”
b. On Mac OS X: “~/Library/Application Support/Oracle/Java/Deployment/log”
c. On Windows: “<User Application Data Folder>\Sun\Java\Deployment\log”
(Typically %userprofile%\AppData\LocalLow\Sun\Java\Deployment\log)
7. Replicate the error when connecting to the PSM session
8. Gather the logs generated above
Also, the Java “Network Settings” should be gathered:
1. Open the Control Panel of the local workstation
2. Click on the “Java” Application
3. Click on the “Network Settings” button
4. Document the setting selected
Additionally, a Network capture can be gathered from the Client Workstation:
1. On the workstation getting the error, launch a Network Capture utility (for example WireShark)
2. Start a capture on the interface that is used to connect to TPAM
3. Replicate the error
4. Document the following:
a. The IP Address of the Client Workstation
b. The IP Address of the TPAM Appliance
c. The IP Address of the DPA(s) if any exist in TPAM