
Active Roles 7.5 - Whats New

Support for Solution Intelligence

Active Roles supports Solution Intelligence to monitor the web application and detect performance issues. Active Roles administrators can enable or disable the Solution Intelligence feature that supports intelligent collection of Active Roles solution usage data.

The telemetry data that is captured from Active Roles is sent to the Azure portal and can be accessed by the development team for analysis. In addition to the general telemetry data that is collected by Microsoft Azure, Solution Intelligence in Active Roles helps to capture the data about the Active Roles language pack usage by customers, referred to as Language pack telemetry and the area of bugs and issues referred to as the diagnostic telemetry.

Support for logging in to MMC interface through 2FA authentication

When a Starling 2FA enabled user tries to log in to the Active Roles MMC interface, the user is prompted to enter the Starling Two-factor token response. Based on the option selected by the user, the token response is provided through SMS, Phone Call or Push Notifications.

Support for federated authentication

Federated authentication allows you to federate user access by authenticating them against a certain set of rules, known as claims. The authentication ticket or the token is used to validate the user across multiple application, web sites, or IT systems.

Claims-based authentication is a method to acquire the user identity related information on both on-premises and cloud-based products. A single token is created based on the predefined claims to identify the users trying to access the applications or web site. After the identification of the user is complete, a security token service is used to identify the type of user.

Active Roles supports federated authentication with Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML), through which you can sign in to an application once using the single sign-on option and you are authenticated to access multiple applications.

Support to provide product feedback from the Web Interface

Active Roles now supports Feedback option on web site. Feedback option allows you to provide product feedback. This option is available only for Admin site and HelpDesk site. It can be enabled or disabled from Global Settings.


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