Use an "Automation Workflow" that can be run manually or on a schedule basis. A workflow will need to be configured to have a parameter called userDN. This will be the user that will be removed and added back at a later time.
A new PowerShell script module needs to be created to temporarily disable any specified users for a certain amount of time. The following sample will temporarily disable user "Admincm" member from group "EMEA_Contractors" for 24 hours:
function temporaryGroupMemberRemoval($Request)
# Workflow has parameter called userDN that browses for user object.
$userDN = $workflow.Parameter("userDN")
$groupDN = "CN=EMEA_Contractors,OU=Groups,OU=Cork,OU=Offices,DC=onisupport,DC=info" # Static DN of group.
# Remove the user from the group right away.
Remove-QADGroupMember -Identity $groupDN -Member $userDN
# Create hash table to be used for scheduled operation control on add member.
# The time is calculated for 24 hours from the current time.
$time = (Get-Date).AddHours(24).ToUniversalTime()
$hash = @{}
# Add the user back to the group using the scheduled operation control.
Add-QADGroupMember -Identity $groupDN -Member $userDN -Control $hash
Use the "Temporary Membership Settings..." feature within a Group to schedule addition/removal of specific members.