In a Property Generation and Validation (PGV) Policy, if an attribute is included in the policy but not provided by the Initiator during object creation, then any text entry immediately following the missing attribute will be stripped out of the generated value.
For example:
If a DisplayName is set to use the following Policy value (note the period at the end):
%<sn>, %<givenName> %<initials>.
If a value is specified for Initials, then the generated value would look something like this:
LastName, FirstName I.
If a value is NOT specified for Initials, then the generated value would looks something like this:
LastName, FirstName
This works fine in the above use-case, but will result in an unexpected generated value if the policy resembles something like the following:
%<sn>, %<givenName> %<initials>. (%<title>)
Active Roles treats the . ( as one text entry, so the generated result if no value is specified for Initials would be:
LastName, FirstName Title)
Any attributes which are in a PGV should be set as must be specfied to ensure that the attribute value is provided by the Initiator and that the generated value displays as expected.
Use a Change Workflow with an If/Else Branch to first check and see if an attribute value is present and then generating a different value for each expected scenario.
Waiting for a fix in a future release of Active Roles.
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