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When trying to open Active Roles Synchronization Console the following error is thrown.
The above error is expected if there is no binding listening on port 15173 used by Active Roles Sync Service.
A custom certificate enforced by a Group Policy Object (GPO) to encrypt the traffic between the Synchronization Service server and Capture Agent is missing from the certificate store, the details below can be validated by checking the verbose logging upon the service getting restarted.
"2023-11-08 19:22:04.4203 10 Debug --> { ActiveRoles.SyncService.QcPasswordService.HostFactory.MakeDefaultAuthentication 2023-11-08 19:22:04.4203 10 Debug --> Use Custom Certificate ActiveRoles.SyncService.QcPasswordService.HostFactory.MakeDefaultAuthentication 2023-11-08 19:22:04.4516 10 Debug --> try to find Certificate (storeLocation = 'LocalMachine', storeName = 'My', findType = 'FindByThumbprint', findValue='B0A224B7A2CDB40CE67767E5DFBB5F65BA02D11C') ActiveRoles.SyncService.Common.SecurityUtils.CertificateManager.FindCertificate 2023-11-08 19:22:04.4672 10 Debug --> Certificate not found in the local machine. Searching in CurrentUser ActiveRoles.SyncService.Common.SecurityUtils.CertificateManager.FindCertificate 2023-11-08 19:22:04.4672 10 Debug --> No Certificate with specified parameters is found ActiveRoles.SyncService.Common.SecurityUtils.CertificateManager.FindCertificate 2023-11-08 19:22:04.4672 10 Debug --> } ActiveRoles.SyncService.QcPasswordService.HostFactory.MakeDefaultAuthentication 2023-11-08 19:22:04.4672 10 Info --> can't open host QcPasswordService ActiveRoles.SyncService.Server.ServiceHostManager+ServiceHostMode.Open System.ApplicationException: Can't find Custom Certificate with specified parameters at ActiveRoles.SyncService.QcPasswordService.HostFactory.MakeDefaultAuthentication(ServiceHost host) at ActiveRoles.SyncService.QcPasswordService.HostFactory.CreateQcPasswordServiceServiceHost() at ActiveRoles.SyncService.Server.ServiceHostWrapperFactory.<>c__DisplayClass0_0.<CreateServiceHostWrapper>b__0() at ActiveRoles.SyncService.Server.ServiceHostWrapper.ClosedState.Open()"
Solution 1 Import the custom certificated enforced from the legacy Active Roles Synchronization Service server and restart the service afterwards.
Solution 2 Make an exception for the Group Policy Object used for the new server and restart the service afterwards.
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Article History:
Created on: 11/9/2023 Last Update on: 11/9/2023
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