To further investigate this issue, please provide the following details with the issue reproduced:
- Source Domain:
1.- Domain Controller - Note DC details will be just needed for Password Sync issues:
1.1.- ARS Capture Agent Verbose log, click here to get more details.
1.2.- ARS Capture Agent WFC log. See doc attached named "WCF logging for Sync Service", section "Active Roles Capture Agent".
1.3.- Event Viewer ARS CA events
2.- ARS Sync Server:
2.1.- ARS Sync Server Verbose log
2.2.- ARS Sync Server WFC log. See doc attached named "WCF logging for Sync Service", section "WCF Tracing for Active roles Synchronization".
2.3.- Event Viewer ARS Sync service events
2.4.- Provide screenshots showing the ARS Sync service configuration for the affected workflows, Workflow details, Connection details, Sync Password details, Mapping rules...
- Target Domain:
3.1.2.- Find the following SyncService.exe.config and search below node:
And changed to:
logger name="ActiveRoles.SyncService.*" writeTo="fileTarget" minlevel="Debug"/>
3.2.- ARS Sync Server WFC log. See doc attached named "WCF logging for Sync Service", section "WCF Tracing for Active roles Synchronization".
3.3.- Event Viewer ARS Sync service events
4.- Domain Controller - Note DC details will be just needed for Password Sync issues:
4.1.- ARS Capture Agent Verbose log, click here to get more details.
4.2.- ARS Capture Agent WFC log. See doc attached named "WCF logging for Sync Service", section "Active Roles Capture Agent".
4.3.- Event Viewer ARS CA events
5.- Reproduce the issue.
6.- Provide the following details:
6.1.- Source Domain Controller (Just needed for Password Sync issues):
6.1.1.- Log files "ActiveRoles.SyncService.CaptureAgentService.txt" and "ca.log"
6.1.2.- WFC ARS CA logs named "ActiveRoles.SyncService.CaptureAgentService_messages.svclog" and "ActiveRoles.SyncService.CaptureAgentService_tracelog.svclog”.
6.1.3.- Event Viewer ARS Capture Agent service events
6.2.- Source ARS Sync Server:
6.2.1.- ARS Sync Server Verbose logs by default located in C:\ProgramData\One Identity\Active Roles\Logs\Synchronization Service.
6.2.2.- ARS Sync Server WFC logs named "SyncService_tracelog.svclog" and "SyncService _messages.svclog".
6.2.3.- Event Viewer ARS Sync service events
6.2.4.- Provide screenshots showing the ARS Sync service configuration for the affected workflows, Workflow details, Connection details, Sync Password details, Mapping rules...
6.3.- Target ARS Sync Server:
6.3.1.- ARS Sync Server Verbose logs by default located in C:\ProgramData\One Identity\Active Roles\Logs\Synchronization Service.
6.3.2.- ARS Sync Server WFC logs named "SyncService_tracelog.svclog" and "SyncService _messages.svclog".
6.3.3.- Event Viewer ARS Sync service events
6.4.- Target Domain Controller (Just needed for Password Sync issues):
6.4.1.- Log files "ActiveRoles.SyncService.CaptureAgentService.txt" and "ca.log"
6.4.2.- WFC ARS CA logs named "ActiveRoles.SyncService.CaptureAgentService_messages.svclog" and "ActiveRoles.SyncService.CaptureAgentService_tracelog.svclog”.
6.4.3.- Event Viewer ARS Capture Agent service events
Note1: If you have enabled ARS logging in the past, please make sure to remove any previously generated logs first.
Note2: The log grows in size quickly. Therefore, it is recommended to enabe logging right before and disable logging immediately after the issue has been reproduced.
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