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Download Safeguard for Sudo 7.3 Full Installer (.TAR.GZ)


Safeguard for Sudo helps Unix/Linux organizations take privileged account management through sudo to the next level: with a central policy server, centralized management of sudo and sudoers, centralized reporting on sudoers and elevated rights activities, event and keystroke logging of activities performed through sudo, and offline policy evaluation.With Safeguard for Sudo, One Identity provides a plugin to Sudo 1.8.1 (and later) to make administering sudo across a few, dozens, hundreds, or thousands of Unix/Linux servers easy, intuitive, and consistent. It eliminates the box-by-box management of sudo that is the source of so much inefficiency and inconsistency. In addition, the centralized approach delivers the ability to report on the change history of the sudoers policy file.

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SHA256: 3e65a9b631b4a87bb6cc3e0bb5bd4193fd27014680d55c56ad1905d6748f9d19