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Download Safeguard Privilege Manager for Windows 4.7 Client Installer


IMPORTANT: Release 4.7 requires a new license key. Please obtain the new key before installing the new release. To obtain a new key, please refer to the License Key Upgrade page.

IMPORTANT: Release Release 4.7 requires a new license key. Please obtain the new key before installing the new release. To obtain a new key, please refer to the the License Key Upgrade page.

Please Refer to KB 4376126 for additional information

Please refer to the Safeguard Privilege Manager for Windows 4.7 Release Notes below for additional information and instructions on implementing this update.

Bitte prÜfen Sie den PrÜfsummenwert, um die Integrität Ihres Downloads sicherzustellen.
SHA256: F3627AFBB2EAA217CFA1A0A777FB0FF7750A72094DC8CB35389DAA83DEA44F47