Troubleshoot why the connection to Windows Active Directories servers is failing:
1. From /tpam | Users & Groups | Manage UserIDs locate the user and go into the "Details" tab, note the "Source"
2. From /admin | System Status/Settings | External Authentication | WinAD Config, select the correct (Source from above) system. Note the "Server address".
3. If a "DNS Name" has been entered, ensure this can be resolved by DNS.
This can be done from /tpam | Management | Network Tools | Nslookup
4. To authenticate users, TPAM connects to the AD server using TCP/389, a telnet test can be used to validate connectivity.
From /tpam | Management | Network Tools | TelnetTest, enter the system name, and enter 389 as the port.
A message such as "Telnet connection test to x.x.x.x on 389 completed in x.x seconds" means it has successfully connected.