Viewing event details
Additional detailed information is available for some activity events.
To see the details of a specific event
- Double-click an event to view additional details.
- On Password management events, select Details to see the details of the password change or check tasks.
- Double-click to close the event details.
Auditing request workflow
In addition to reviewing activity, you can use the Activity Center to audit the transactions that occurred during the request workflow process, from request to approval to review. For session requests, you can also play back a recorded or live session if Record Sessions is enabled in the entitlement's policy.
If you are an authorized reviewer, you can audit an access request's workflow of a completed request awaiting review from the Home page as well.
To audit request workflow
Open the Activity Center, use the query tiles to specify the content of the report, and click Run.
TIP: You can change the activity category tile to specify that you want to see Access Request Activity, Session Specific Activity events, or both.
Select an access request event and click
Workflow to audit the transactions that occurred during the request's workflow from request to approval to review.
TIP: If you ran an all activity report, use the filter in the Events column to locate the access request activities.
For session requests that have Record Session enabled in the policy, you can play back a recorded or active session:
Locate an access request session event and click
Play to launch the Safeguard for Privileged Passwords Desktop Player. The following activities may be available to you:
- A
(green dot) indicates the session is "live". A user with Security Policy Administrator permissions can click this icon to follow an active session.
- If the session recording has been archived and removed from the local Safeguard for Privileged Passwords file system, you will see a
Download button instead of a
Play button. Click
Download to download the recording and then click
- Accept the certificate to continue.
Use one of the following methods to play back the session recording:
- Click
Play Channel from the toolbar at the top of the player.
- Click the thumbnail in the upper right corner of the Information page.
- Click
Play Channel next to a channel in the Channels pane.
For SSH session requests that have the Enable Command Detection option selected in the policy, you can review a list of the commands and programs run during the session.
For RDP session requests that have the Enable Windows Title Detection option selected in the policy, you can review a list of all the windows opened on the desktop during the privileged session.
- Click the Sessions Events link above the transaction grid to view a list of all the session events and recordings available for the selected session.
- To see the individual events that occurred during a particular Initialize Session transaction:
- Click Show Details to display additional information about the Initialize Session event, including Session Events.
- Click the events link to view the commands and programs run during that particular Initialize Session event
The Session Events dialog displays listing the events with a time stamp showing when the event occurred as well as in which recording if multiple recordings were created.
Filtering report results
To find information in an activity audit log report or entitlement report, use the controls in the grid heading row to filter the data. When a column has selected filter criteria, Safeguard for Privileged Passwords highlights the
filter symbol.
To filter columns
- Click
Filter to open the filter list.
Select individual objects in the filter list to display specific information.
NOTE: You can also choose the Select All check box at the top of the filter list and clear individual objects.
Sorting report results
Use the controls in the grid heading row to sort report results or rearrange the columns of data. An arrow in the column heading identifies the sort criteria and order, ascending or descending, being used to display information.
To sort columns
- Click the column heading to be used for the sort criteria.
- The sort order is in ascending order. To change it to descending order, click the heading a second time.
- To specify a secondary sort order, press the SHIFT key and then click the heading of the column to be used for the secondary sort order.
To move columns
To change the order of the columns, click the heading of the column to be moved. Drag and drop the column to a new location within the grid.
To change the columns that display
In the upper right corner, click
Column to see a list of columns that can be displayed in the grid. Select the check box for data to be included in the report. Clear the check box for data to be excluded from the report. The additional columns available depend on the type of activity included in the report.