Use the rule editor controls on the Asset Rules tab of the Dynamic Asset Group dialog to define what assets are to be included in the dynamic asset group.
Property | Description |
AND | OR |
Click AND to group multiple search criteria together; where all criteria must be met in order to be included. Click OR to group multiple search criteria together; where at least one of the criteria must be met in order to be included. |
Attribute |
In the first query clause box, select the attribute to be searched. Valid attributes include:
Operator |
In the middle clause query box, select the operator to be used in the search. The operators available depend on the data type of the attribute selected. For string attributes, the operators may include:
For boolean attributes, the operators may include:
Search string |
In the last clause query box, enter the search string or value to be used to find a match. |
Click Click |
Add Grouping | Remove |
Click the Add Grouping button to add an additional set of conditions to be met. A new grouping is added under the last query clause in a group and appears in a bordered pane, showing that it is subordinate to the higher level query conditions. Click the Remove button to remove a grouping from the search criteria. |
Preview |
Click Preview to run the query in order to review the results of the query before adding the dynamic group. |