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Identity Manager 8.1.5 - Administration Guide for Connecting to Oracle E-Business Suite

Mapping an Oracle E-Business Suite in One Identity Manager Synchronizing Oracle E-Business Suite
Setting up the initial synchronization Customizing the synchronization configuration Executing synchronization Tasks after a synchronization Troubleshooting
Managing E-Business Suite user accounts and employees Provision of login information Managing entitlement assignments Mapping of E-Business Suite objects in One Identity Manager Handling of E-Business Suite objects in the Web Portal Basic configuration data Users and permissions for synchronizing with Oracle E-Business Suite Default project templates for synchronizing an Oracle E-Business Suite Editing system objects Configuration parameters for managing Oracle E-Business Suite Example of a schema extension file About us

Using specific statements for database initialization

You can make various additional settings on the target system connection, if required due to the configuration of the target system. For example, the default language and time formatting can be overwritten by a SQL statement that is executed every time a connection is established.

To use additional statements for database initialization:

  1. Open the synchronization project in the Synchronization Editor.

  2. Enable expert mode.

  3. Edit the target system connection.

    1. Select the Configuration | Target system category.

    2. Click Edit connection.

      This starts the system connection wizard.

    3. Select Database connection startup sequence page and enter the SQL statements to be executed every time a connection is established.

    4. Click Test.

    5. End the system connection wizard.

      This updates the connection parameters.

  4. Save the changes.

If you are running Synchronization Editor in expert mode, SQL statements can be entered when a synchronization project is set up.

Using additional schema types

Add your own schema types if you want to synchronize data, which does not have schema types in the connector schema. You can let your own schema types be added when setting up the initial synchronization project with the project wizard, However, you can also add them after saving the synchronization project. This method is described here.

You can obtain an overview of which schema types are defined in the connector schema in the Synchronization Editor target system browser.

IMPORTANT: Both used and unused schema types are displayed in the Target System Browser. If the synchronization project is set, unused system types are deleted from the schema. Then they are longer appear in the Target System Browser.

Check the schema type list before you enable the synchronization project.

To start the Target System Browser

  1. Open the synchronization project in the Synchronization Editor.

  2. Select Configuration | Target system.

  3. Select the General view and click Browse....

    This opens the Target System Browser. You will see all the schema types used in this synchronization project in the upper pane of the Schema types view. The lower pane contains the list of unused schema types

To extend the connector schema with your own schema types

  1. Find which out schema types you require.

  2. Create a schema extension file. Save this file and keep the file name and path at the ready.

    For more information, see Creating a schema extension file.

  3. Open the synchronization project in the Synchronization Editor.

  4. Enable expert mode.

  5. Select Configuration | Target system.

  6. Click Edit connection.

    This starts the system connection wizard.

  7. Verify the data.

  8. Enter the path to the schema extension file on the Schema extensions (manually) page.

    1. To check the schema extensions file for logical errors, click Test file.

      All defined schema types are listed.

    2. Click Next.
  9. Click Finish to end the system connection wizard.

  10. Select the view General and click Update schema.

  11. Confirm the security prompt with Yes.

    The schema types, including your new schema types, are loaded.

  12. Open the Target System Browser and check whether the schema types have been added.

    The schema types are displayed in the list of used schema types.

  13. Select the Mapping category and create mappings for the your new schema types. Take note of whether these are read-only or whether read/write access is permitted.

    For detailed information about setting up mapping and schema classes, see the One Identity Manager Target System Synchronization Reference Guide.

  14. Select the Workflows category and edit the worklows. Create additional synchronization steps for the new mappings. Take note of whether the schema types are read-only or whether read/write access is permitted.

    For detailed information about setting up synchronization steps, see the One Identity Manager Target System Synchronization Reference Guide.

  15. Save the changes.
  16. Run a consistency check.

  17. Activate the synchronization project.

To remove the schema part of the schema extension file from the connector schema

  1. Delete all mappings and synchronization steps that were created for the additional schema types.

  2. Edit the target system connection using the system connection wizard.

    • On the Expert schema settings page, click Clear existing.

  3. Update the schema.
  4. Save the changes.
  5. Run a consistency check.

  6. Activate the synchronization project.

Creating a schema extension file

Define all the schema types you want to use to extend the connector schema in the schema extension file. The schema extension file is an XML file with a structure identical to the connector schema. It describes the definitions for table queries for the new schema types. Schema types defined here are always added to the existing schema. If a new schema type has the same name as an already existing schema type, the extension is ignored.

You can only specify one schema extension file. This must contains all required extensions. If a schema extension file is added to a connection configuration that already contains a schema extension file, the previous definition is overwritten.

The schema extension file defines schema types as objects, and therefore corresponds to the basic structure of a list of object definitions. An object definition contains the definition of a schema type. A file can contain any number of object definitions.

Schema extension file structure

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>








Detailed information about this topic

Object definitions

The object definitions are used for the formal description of which sources, key values, and conditions are used for the selection of data objects of a schema type. This formal description is evaluated by the Oracle E-Business Suite connector, which uses them to generate SQL statements for the database query. Because data for an object of a schema type can be determined from multiple tables, always use table and column names in the full notation <schema name>.<table name>.<column name>.


Table 7: Attributes of an object definition




Freely selected name of the schema type to be defined. The objects of this type are displayed in the extended schema under this name.


Reference to an additional schema type on a higher hierarchy level.

Example: Application is ParentSchemaName of Attribute


Definition of a display pattern for displaying objects in the Synchronization Editor (for example, in the target system browser or when defining schema classes).


Specifies whether the objects of this schema type can be read-only. The default value is false.


Specifies whether the unique name for the DN should be added to the defined name of all objects of this schema type. The default value is true.


Specifies whether duplicate entries are prevented through the use of the Distinct function. The default value is false.


<Object SchemaName="ORA-Attribute" ParentSchemaName="ORA-Application" DisplayPattern="%AK.AK_ATTRIBUTES_TL.ATTRIBUTE_CODE%" IsReadOnly="true" UseDistinct="false" >

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