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Identity Manager Data Governance Edition 8.1.5 - Deployment Guide

One Identity Manager Data Governance Edition Deployment Guide Data Governance Edition system requirements Install One Identity Manager Data Governance Edition Deploy Data Governance Edition components Post installation configuration Authentication using service accounts and managed domains Working with managed hosts and agents Upgrade Data Governance Edition Remove Data Governance Edition Troubleshooting NetApp managed host deployment EMC managed host deployment SharePoint Farm managed host deployment

Verifying managed host system status

When you first deploy a managed host it takes a few minutes for the agent to start collecting data. As the status changes, a regular refresh allows you to see the changes. You can also use this status to track the progress whenever you add or remove an agent.

A managed host's status is displayed on the Managed hosts view.

Table 25: Managed host status
Status Description

Agent Issue

One or more agents for this managed host are in an error state. The Status Detail column on the Agents view may contain additional information to identify the problem.

NOTE: For remote managed hosts, if there is an issue with any of its agents, you see a status of "Agent Issue."

Agent Out of Disk Space

An agent for this managed host is out of free disk space. For more information, see Checking the agent status.

Agent Registration Failed

An error occurred while an agent was attempting to register with the server.

Agent Unregistered

An agent for this managed host has unregistered.

Ensure that the agent service is running, and that the computer hosting the agent is online.

Agent Update Required

An unsupported agent version has attempted to register with the server. The agents on the managed host must be upgraded.


The managed host is being deleted.

Deleting And Uninstalling

The managed host is being deleted and all agents associated with this managed host are being removed.

Deploying Agent

An agent for this managed host is being installed.

Install Failed

An automatic agent install has failed. The Status Detail column on the Agents view may contain additional information regarding the failure.

Installing agents failed

You are attempting to install an agent on a server that already has an agent on it, and that agent belongs to another Data Governance Edition deployment. The Status Detail column on the Agents view may contain additional information, including the name of the deployment that is already using this agent.


All agents associated with this managed host are working properly.

No communication from agent

The lease for an agent on this managed host has expired. A communications issue has occurred between the agent and the server, or the agent is no longer running.

Ensure that the agent can communicate with the server.

No agents for host

There are no agents associated with this managed host. Deploy an agent for this host in order to maintain a security index and track resource activity.

Not Managed

The host computer is not being managed by Data Governance Edition. That is, no managed host has been configured for the host computer.


The managed host’s information has been resolved, but it has not yet been configured for management. This is a temporary state.

Resolving Agents

The server is resolving an agent computer for this managed host.

Un-deploying Agents

An agent for this managed host is being uninstalled.

Uninstalling agents failed

An automatic uninstall of an agent failed. The Status Detail column on the Agents view may contain more information regarding the failure.


An error occurred while retrieving this managed host's agent status.

Unknown host type

A host computer with an unknown host type was found.


The managed host computer has failed to be resolved.


The managed host computer has not yet been resolved.

Upgrading agent

The agent is being upgraded to the latest version.

Waiting for Agent Connection

The managed host has been configured and is waiting for an agent to register.

If a managed host stays in this state for a long time, it could indicate a communications issue between the agent and the server.

Determining the state of the data

For each managed host, use the Managed hosts view to determine the state of the data. Errors should be addressed immediately, in order to ensure accurate data from the managed host being scanned. The following table outlines the different states your data can have.

Table 26: Data states



A scanning error has occurred There has been an error with one of the scanners. Data is incomplete, so you should determine what the issue is. Ensure that the managed host is available on the network, and confirm that the agent’s service account has adequate access to the managed host.
Data available The agent has successfully completed scanning security information for the managed host.
Please use Agents View to see status data for multiple agents On multi-agent hosts, this message indicates that the status of the data is not available for all of the agents. Open the Agents view to see the status of the data for each individual agent assigned to the selected managed host.
Scanning The agent is performing a full scan of security information. Queries for information at this time may be incomplete.
No managed paths configured There are no managed paths specified and therefore scanning cannot be performed on the managed host.
Waiting for scanning to start The agent is ready to scan when the next scheduled scan is triggered.
Waiting for scanning status The agent is not yet ready to start scanning.

Checking the agent status

For security indexing and resource activity tracking to function as expected, the agent must have a status of Managed. You can see the status of an agent in the Agents view. Also, if the status of a managed host is anything other than Managed, check the host's agents' status to determine where the issue lies.

Note: During deployment, the state changes quickly, and a regular refresh allows you to see the changes.

Table 27: Agent states

Agent states


Agent host belongs to another deployment An agent already resides on this server that belongs to another Data Governance Edition deployment. See the Status Detail column for additional information, including the name of the deployment that is already using this agent.
Agent Out Of Disk Space

The hard disk of the agent's working directory dropped below 2GB.

NOTE: This condition causes the agent to shutdown with an error. This is a safeguard to prevent disruption of other services hosted on the computer, allowing you time to add a volume or reallocate space. See Agent Shutdown Because of Error.

Agent Shutdown Because of Error

The agent may shut down with error for the following reasons:

  • Agent scanning does not progress after two hours.
  • There is not enough free disk space on the agent (minimum 2GB). See Agent Out Of Disk Space.

    NOTE: To determine if low space on the host volume was the cause, check the Agent Events view or agent logs.

  • An error occurred while the agent attempted to open an NTFS security database to perform a sync.
Agent Update Required An unsupported agent version has attempted to register with the server.
Agent Unregistered The agent has unregistered.
Configuration Failed An error has occurred while creating the agent service on the agent host computer.
Configuration in Progress The agent service is being configured.
Deleting The agent is being deleted.
Deleting and Uninstalling The agent software is being uninstalled.
Host Configuration Failed

While preparing for an agent installation, one of the conditions were encountered:

  • The host's data root is invalid.
  • The host has a NetApp FPolicy configuration error.
Host Domain Not Managed The host domain is not yet managed in Data Governance Edition.
Install Failed An error occurred while installing the agent.
Install in Progress The agent installation is in progress.
No Communication from Agent The agent has failed to renew its lease. This state is often an indication of an error on the agent computer. Ensure that the agent can communicate with the server.
OK The agent is working properly. The agent is deployed and has contacted the Data Governance service.
Registration Failed An error occurred while the agent was attempting to register with the server.
Removal of configuration failed An error occurred while removing the agent from the agent host computer.
Removal of configuration in progress The agent service is being removed.
Resolved The managed host's information has been resolved, but it has not yet been confirmed for management. This is a temporary state.
Uninstall Failed An error occurred while uninstalling the agent service from the agent host computer.
Uninstall in Progress The agent is being uninstalled.
Uninstalled The uninstall has finished. This is a temporary state.
Unknown The current state of the agent is unknown.
Unresolvable The agent computer cannot be resolved.
Unresolved The agent computer has not yet been resolved.
Waiting for agent connection

The management server is waiting for the agent to register with the server.

NOTE: If an agent remains in this state for a long time, it could indicate a communication issue between the agent and the server.

Viewing agent errors

You can quickly assess your agents for any potential critical issues by reviewing logged error messages using the Agents view in the Manager.

Note: The Agent Errors column in the Managed hosts view indicates when an agent associated with a managed host has encountered any errors. However, you can only view an agent's error messages using the Agents view.

To view agent errors

  1. In the Navigation view, select Data Governance | Agents.

    The Agents view appears.

  2. The Critical Error column indicates if there are any error messages logged for an agent.

  3. Select the agent from the Agents view, and select View agent errors in the Task view or right-click menu.

    Note: The View agent errors task is only available for agents that have error messages logged.

  4. The event viewer appears.

    Click the Clear Events button in the upper left corner to clear the agent errors. Click Yes on the confirmation dialog.

    Click the close button in the upper right corner to close the event viewer.

Note: You can also clear error messages for a specific agent using the Clear agent errors task from the Agents view.

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