The LogMessage API allows you to create LogMessage objects in Python sources, parse syslog messages, and set the various fields of the log message.

LogMessage() method: Create log message objects

You can use the LogMessage() method to create a structured log message instance. For example:

from syslogng import LogMessage

msg = LogMessage() # Initialize an empty message with default values (recvd timestamp, rcptid, hostid, ...)
msg = LogMessage("string or bytes-like object") # Initialize a message and set its ${MESSAGE} field to the specified argument

You can also explicitly set the different values of the log message. For example:

msg["MESSAGE"] = "message"
msg["HOST"] = "hostname"

You can set certain special field (timestamp, priority) by using specific methods.

Note the following points when creating a log message:

  • When setting the hostname, syslog-ng OSE takes the following hostname-related options of the configuration into account: chain-hostnames(), keep-hostname(), use-dns(), and use-fqdn().

  • Python sources ignore the log-msg-size() option.

  • The syslog-ng OSE application accepts only one message from every LogSource::post_message() or fetch() call, batching is currently not supported. If your Python code accepts batches of messages, you must pass them to syslog-ng OSE one-by-one. Similarly, if you need to split messages in the source, you must do so in your Python code, and pass the messages separately.

  • Do not reuse or store LogMessage objects after posting (calling post_message()) or returning the message from fetch().

parse() method: Parse syslog messages

The parse() method allows you to parse incoming messages as syslog messages. By default, the parse() method attempts to parse the message as an IETF-syslog (RFC5424) log message. If that fails, it parses the log message as a BSD-syslog (RFC3164) log message. Note that syslog-ng OSE takes the parsing-related options of the configuration into account: flags(), keep-hostname(), recv-time-zone().

If keep-hostname() is set to no, syslog-ng OSE ignores the hostname set in the message, and uses the IP address of the syslog-ng OSE host as the hostname (to use the hostname instead of the IP address, set the use-dns() or use-fqdn() options in the Python source).

msg_ietf = LogMessage.parse('<165>1 2003-10-11T22:14:15.003Z evntslog - ID47 [exampleSDID@32473 iut="3" eventSource="Application" eventID="1011"] An application event log entry', self.parse_options)
msg_bsd = LogMessage.parse('<34>Oct 11 22:14:15 mymachine su: \'su root\' failed for lonvick on /dev/pts/8', self.parse_options)
set_pri() method

You can set the priority of the message with the set_pri() method.

set_timestamp() method

You can use the set_timestamp() method to set the date and time of the log message.

timestamp = datetime.fromisoformat("2018-09-11T14:49:02.100+02:00")
msg.set_timestamp(timestamp) # datetime object, includes timezone information

In Python 2, timezone information cannot be attached to the datetime instance without using an external library. The syslog-ng OSE represents naive datetime objects in UTC.