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Active Roles 8.1.3 - Web Interface Configuration Guide

Introduction to the Web Interface Deploying the Web Interface Getting started with the Web Interface Web Interface Basics Performing Management Tasks Using Approval Workflow Customizing the Web Interface
About Web Interface customization Web Interface customization terms Configuring Web Interface menus Configuring Web Interface forms Web Interface customization examples Web Interface global settings Customizing the Web Interface Navigation bar Customizing the Web Interface Home page Configuring Web Interface for enhanced security
Default Commands Glossary


Search provides a flexible, query-based mechanism that helps locate directory objects quickly and without browsing through the directory tree. You can select containers in the directory, and build a query by specifying search criteria. The Web Interface searches in the selected containers and all of their subcontainers, and lists the objects that match your search criteria. When the objects you target are returned as the results of a search query, you can then perform the necessary administrative tasks.

You can also save the queries that you build and use them again at a later time. The Web Interface saves queries as your personal views, with each view consisting of the containers and search criteria that you select, as well as the customized sorting and column information that you specify.

For instructions on how to perform a search, see Searching for directory objects.


Approval provides you with the tools for performing tasks related to approval workflow. You can use these tools to complete approval tasks assigned to you as an Approver, and to monitor the status of the operations that you initiated, if those require approval.

For details on how to perform approval tasks, see Using Approval Workflow.


By using Settings, you can specify:

  • The language of the Web Interface pages.

  • The maximum number of objects displayed in single-page lists.

  • The maximum number of list items displayed on a single page in multi-page lists.

  • The maximum number of links to pages displayed for multi-page lists.

  • Maximum time in minutes, for which the notification is to be visible.

  • Maximum number of notifications to be stored in Active Roles.

Settings are saved on a per-user basis in the configuration of the Web Interface site. For more information, see Changing personal settings in the Web Interface.


Customization allows you to tailor the Web Interface to suit the specific needs of your organization. The Customization item is only displayed if you are logged in as Active Roles Admin. The Active Roles Admin account is specified during the configuration of the Active Roles Administration Service.

Customization includes the following tasks:

  • Directory Objects: Modify menus, commands, and forms for administering directory objects. View or change global settings, such as the logo image and color scheme.

  • Restore Default: Restore the original (default) menus, commands, and forms, discarding all previous customizations.

  • Reload: Put into effect the menus, commands, and forms that you have customized.

The customization settings determine the configuration of the Web Interface site for all users.

For more information and instructions on how to customize the Web Interface, see Customizing the Web Interface.

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