The Welcome Wizard guides you through the basic configuration steps of syslog-ng Store Box (SSB). All parameters can be modified before the last step by using the Back button of the wizard, or later via the web interface of SSB.

The initial Welcome Wizard

To start configuring SSB with the Welcome Wizard

  1. Open the https://<IP-address-of-SSB-external-interface> page in your browser and accept the displayed certificate. The Welcome Wizard of SSB appears.

    TIP: The SSB console displays the IP address the external interface is listening on. SSB either receives an IP address automatically via DHCP, or if a DHCP server is not available, listens on the IP address.

  2. On the initial screen, you must accept the Software Transaction, License and End User License Agreements.

    Read the Software Transaction, License and End User License Agreements and select I have read and agree with the terms and conditions. By clicking on I have read and agree with the terms and conditions you accept the agreement that corresponds to the license you purchased (for details on subscription-based licensing, see License types). After the installation is complete, the Software Transaction, License and End User License Agreements can be read at Basic Settings > System > License.

    Figure 60: The Software Transaction Agreement

  3. Select your SSB configuration mode (Configuring SSB as a standalone unit, or as the primary node of a HA cluster, or Configuring your SSB unit as the secondary node of a HA cluster) for your SSB unit.

    Figure 61: The Welcome Wizard