The Welcome Wizard guides you through the basic configuration steps of One Identity Safeguard for Privileged Sessions (SPS). You can modify all parameters before the last step by using the Back button of the wizard, or later through the web interface of SPS.

To configure SPS with the Welcome Wizard

  1. Open the https://<IP-address-of-SPS-interface> page in your browser and accept the displayed certificate. The Welcome Wizard of SPS appears.

    TIP: The SPS console displays the IP address the interface is listening on. SPS either receives an IP address automatically via DHCP, or if a DHCP server is not available, listens on the IP address.

  2. When configuring SPS for the first time, click Next.

    Figure 56: The Welcome Wizard

    You can import an existing configuration from a backup file. Use this feature to restore a backup configuration after a recovery, or to migrate an existing SPS configuration to a new device.


    Do not export or import configuration between a physical SPS deployment and a virtual one. Because of the differences and limitations between physical and virtual appliances, configure the virtual appliance from scratch to ensure proper functionality. When you migrate a virtual SPS to another one, you can export and import the configuration.

    1. Click Browse and select the configuration file to import.

      NOTE: It is not possible to directly import a GPG-encrypted configuration into SPS, it has to be decrypted locally first.

    2. Enter the passphrase used when the configuration was exported into the Encryption passphrase field.

      For details on restoring configuration from a configuration backup, see Restoring One Identity Safeguard for Privileged Sessions (SPS) configuration and data to the same SPS appliance.

    3. Click Import.


      If you use the Import function to copy a configuration from one SPS to another, do not forget to configure the IP addresses of the second SPS device. Having two devices with identical IP addresses on the same network leads to errors.

  3. Accept the End User License Agreement and install the SPS license.

    Figure 57: The EULA and the license key

    1. Read the End User License Agreement and select I have read and agree with the terms and conditions. The License Agreement covers both the traditional license, and subscription-based licensing as well. Clicking I have read and agree with the terms and conditions means that you accept the agreement that corresponds to the license you purchased. After the installation is complete, you can read the End User License Agreement at Basic Settings > System > License.

    2. Click Browse, select the SPS license file received with SPS, then click Upload.

    3. Click Next.

  4. Configure networking. All settings can be modified later using the web interface of SPS.

    Figure 58: Initial networking configuration

    1. Physical interface EXT or 1 — IP address: The IP address of interface 1 (or EXT, for older hardware) of SPS (for example, You can choose the IP address from the range of the corresponding physical subnet. Clients will connect to this interface, so it must be accessible to them.

      Use an IPv4 address.

      NOTE: Do not use IP addresses that fall into the following ranges:

      • (reserved for communication between SPS cluster nodes)

      • (localhost IP addresses)

    2. Physical interface EXT or 1 — Prefix: The IP prefix of the given range. For example, general class C networks have the /24 prefix.

    3. Physical interface EXT or 1 — VLAN ID: (Optional) The VLAN ID of interface 1 (or EXT).


      Do not set the VLAN ID unless your network environment is already configured to use this VLAN. Otherwise, your SPS appliance will be unavailable using this interface.

    4. Default GW: IP address of the default gateway.

      Use an IPv4 address.

    5. Hostname: Name of the machine running SPS (for example, SPS).

    6. Domainname: Name of the domain used on the network.

    7. DNS server: The IP address of the name server used for domain name resolution.

      Use an IPv4 address.

    8. NTP server: The IP address or the hostname of the NTP server.

      Use an IPv4 address.

    9. Syslog server: The IP address or the hostname of the syslog server.

      Use an IPv4 address.

    10. SMTP server: The IP address or the hostname of the SMTP server used to deliver e-mails.

      Use an IPv4 address.

    11. Administrator's email: E-mail address of the SPS administrator.

    12. Timezone: The timezone where SPS is located.

    13. HA address: The IP address of the High Availability (HA) interface. Leave this field on auto unless specifically requested by the support team.

    14. Click Next.

  5. Enter the passwords used to access SPS.

    Figure 59: Passwords

    NOTE: SPS accepts passwords that are not longer than 150 characters and supports the following characters:

    • Letters A-Z, a-z

    • Numbers 0-9

    • The space character

    • Special characters: !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<>=?@[]\^-`{}_|

    1. Admin password: The password of the admin user who can access the web interface of SPS.

    2. Root password: The password of the root user, required to access SPS via SSH or from the local console.

      NOTE: Accessing SPS using SSH is rarely needed, and One Identity recommends it only for advanced users for troubleshooting situations.

    3. If you want to prevent users from accessing SPS remotely through SSH or changing the root password of SPS, select the Seal the box checkbox. You can activate sealed mode later from the web interface as well. For details, see Sealed mode in the Administration Guide.

    4. Click Next.

  6. Upload or create a certificate for the SPS web interface. This SSL certificate will be displayed by SPS to authenticate HTTPS connections to the web and the REST interface.

    Figure 60: Creating a certificate for SPS

    To create a self-signed certificate, fill the fields of the Generate new self-signed certificate section and click Generate certificate. The certificate will be self-signed by the SPS appliance. The hostname of SPS will be used as the issuer and common name.

    1. Country: Select the country where SPS is located (for example, HU-Hungary).

    2. Locality name: The city where SPS is located (for example, Budapest).

    3. Organization name: The company that owns SPS (for example, Example Inc.).

    4. Organizational unit name: The division of the company that owns SPS (for example, IT Security Department).

    5. State or Province name: The state or province where SPS is located.

    6. Click Generate certificate.

    If you want to use a certificate that is signed by an external Certificate Authority, in the Server X.509 certificate field, click to upload the certificate.

    Figure 61: Uploading a certificate for SPS

    Then in the Server private key field click , upload the private key, and enter the password protecting the private key.

    Figure 62: Uploading a private key

    NOTE: SPS accepts private keys in PEM format, using RSA, DSA, and EC private key algorithms. Password-protected private keys are also supported.

    TIP: One Identity recommends using 2048-bit RSA keys (or stronger).

    NOTE: SPS accepts passwords that are not longer than 150 characters and supports the following characters:

    • Letters A-Z, a-z

    • Numbers 0-9

    • The space character

    • Special characters: !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<>=?@[]\^-`{}_|

  7. Review the data entered in the previous steps. This page also displays the certificate generated in the last step, the SSH RSA and Ed25519 keys of SPS, and information about the license file.

    Figure 63: Review configuration data

    If all information is correct, click Finish.


    The configuration takes effect immediately after clicking Finish. Incorrect network configuration data can render SPS unaccessible.

    SPS is now accessible from the web interface through the IP address of interface 1 (or EXT).

  8. Your browser is automatically redirected to the IP address set for interface 1 (or EXT) of SPS, where you can login to the web interface of SPS using the admin username and the password you set for this user in the Welcome Wizard.