Once an SSH session request becomes available, the requester can launch the SSH client to start the session.
To launch the SSH client to begin your session then close your session
- If the User Supplied option is selected in the policy, you will be prompted to enter your user credentials. After entering the requested credentials, click Apply. This will retrieve the information (for example, Hostname Connection String) required to launch the SSH client.
Click the
Start SSH Session button associated with the asset name. In the web client, a session will launch if you have an application registered (ssh:// for SSH protocol).
Start SSH Session options are available only if enabled by user preferences.
In the SSH client, run the commands or programs on the target host.
If there is no activity in an open session for about 10 minutes, the session will be closed. However, as long as the request is in an Available state, you can launch the session again to resume your tasks.
Once you are completed, log out of the target host and select
Check in to complete the session request process.