One Identity Manager 9.0 is a further development of version 8.2.1. All official releases of versions 8.2.1, 8.1.5, or earlier can be upgraded to version 9.0. Updating a newer version can lead to a downgrade.
Test changes in a test system before you load a migration package into a production system. Use a copy of the production database for testing.
Ensure that the administrative system user, who is going to compile the database, has a password before you update the database to version 9.0. Otherwise the schema update cannot be completed successfully.
For One Identity Manager databases on SQL Servers, it is recommended, on performance grounds, that you set the database to the Simple recovery model for the duration of the schema update.
During the update of a One Identity Manager database version 8.0.x to version 9.0, different columns that were already semantically defined as mandatory fields become physical mandatory fields.
During the schema update with the Configuration Wizard, errors may occur due to inconsistent data. The update quits with an error message.
<table>.<column> must not be null
Cannot insert the value NULL into column '<column>', table '<table>'; column does not allow nulls.
UPDATE fails
Check and correct data consistency before updating a One Identity Manager database. In the add-on for the Configuration Module on the installation medium, a test script (\SDK\SQLSamples\MSSQL2K\30374.sql) is provided. In case it fails, correct the data and restart the update.
One Identity Manager uses In-Memory OLTP ((Online Transactional Processing) for memory optimized data access. The database server must support extreme transaction processing (XTP). If XTP is not enabled, the installation or update will not start. Check whether the SQL Server property Supports Extreme Transaction Processing (IsXTPSupported) is set to True.
The following prerequisites must be fulfilled to create memory-optimized tables:
The Configuration Wizard checks whether these prerequisites are fulfilled before the One Identity Manager database can be installed or updated. The Configuration Wizard offers repair methods for creating the database file and database group.
During the update, calculation tasks are queued in the database. These are processed by the DBQueue Processor. Processing calculation tasks may take some time depending on the amount of data and system performance.
This is particularly the case if you save large amounts of historical data in the One Identity Manager database, such as change data or data from process handling.
Therefore, ensure that you have configured an appropriate procedure for archiving the data before you update the database. For more information about archiving data, see the One Identity Manager Data Archiving Administration Guide.
For the period of the update, the database is set to single user mode. Close all existing connections to the database before starting the schema update.
You may experience problems activating single-user mode when using database mirroring.
During installation of a new One Identity Manager database with version 9.0 or while updating a One Identity Manager database from version 8.0.x to version 9.0, you can specify whether you want to work with granular permissions at server and database level. The Configuration Wizard then creates SQL Server logins and database users with the necessary permissions for administrative user, configuration users and end users. For more detailed information about permissions, see the One Identity Manager Installation Guide.
After updating One Identity Manager, change the connection parameters. This affects, for example, the connection data for the database (DialogDatabase), the One Identity Manager Service, the application server, the administration and configuration tools, the web applications and web services as well as the connection data in synchronization projects.
NOTE: If you want to switch to the granular permissions concept when you upgrade from version 8.0.x to version 9.0, use an installation user with permissions for this permissions concept. For more detailed information about permissions, see the One Identity Manager Installation Guide.
If you want to switch to granular permissions when you update from 8.1.x, contact support. To access the Support Portal, go to https://support.oneidentity.com/identity-manager/.
To successfully compile HTML applications with the Configuration Wizard, you must download packages from the NPM repository. Ensure that the workstation running the Configuration Wizard can establish a connection to the website https://registry.npmjs.org.
Alternatively, it is possible to download the packages from a proxy server and make them available manually. For more information, see the knowledge article https://support.oneidentity.com/kb/266000.
After the update has completed, the database switches automatically to multi-user mode. If this is not possible, you receive a message in which you can manually switch to multi-user mode.
Once this version has been installed, users that need to access the REST API in the application server require the Enables access to the REST API on the application server (AppServer_API) function. Assign this program function to the users. For more information, see the One Identity Manager Authorization and Authentication Guide.