You can configure an automatic backup schedule.
If you schedule a backup and a backup has already occurred for that interval (minute, hour, day, week, or month), another backup will not execute until the following minute, hour, day, week, or month. For example, if a backup has already occurred today and you set the backup schedule to run a daily backup, SPP will not run the backup until tomorrow.
The backup schedule window end time must be after the start time.
Backup files to retain
In addition to completing the settings in the steps which follow, you can configure the maximum number of backup files you want SPP to store on the appliance on the Backup Retention page.
To configure the backup schedule
- Go to Backup and Restore:
web client: Navigate to
Backup and Retention > Backup and Restore.
- Based on the client you are using, do one of the following:
web client: Click
In the Backup Settings dialog, specify the backup schedule.
Enter the schedule.
Select a time frame:
- Never: The job will not run according to a set schedule. You can still manually run the job.
- Minutes: The job runs per the frequency of minutes you specify. For example, Run Every 30/Minutes runs the job every half hour over a 24-hour period. It is recommended you do not use the frequency of minutes except in unusual situations, such as testing.
Hours: The job runs per the minute setting you specify. For example, if it is 9 a.m. and you want to run the job every two hours at 15 minutes past the hour starting at 9:15 a.m., select Run Every 2/Hours/@ minutes after the hour 15.
Days: The job runs on the frequency of days and the time you enter.
For example, Run Every 2/Days/Starting @ 11:59:00 PM runs the job every other evening just before midnight.
Weeks The job runs per the frequency of weeks at the time and on the days you specify.
For example, Run Every 2/Weeks/Starting @ 5:00:00 AM and Repeat on these days with MON, WED, FRI selected runs the job every other week at 5 a.m. on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
Months: The job runs on the frequency of months at the time and on the day you specify.
For example, If you select Run Every 2/Months/Starting @ 1:00:00 AM along with Day of Week of Month/First/Saturday, the job will run at 1 a.m. on the first Saturday of every other month.
Select Use Time Windows if you want to enter the Start and End time. You can click
Add or
Remove to control multiple time restrictions. Each time window must be at least one minute apart and not overlap.
For example, for a job to run every ten minutes every day from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m., enter these values:
Enter Run Every 10/Minutes and set Use Time Windows:
- Start 10:00:00 PM and End 11:59:00 PM
Start 12:00:00 AM and End 2:00:00 AM
An entry of Start 10:00:00 PM and End 2:00:00 AM will result in an error as the end time must be after the start time.
If you have selected Days, Weeks, or Months, you will be able to select the number of times for the job to Repeat in the time window you enter.
For a job to run two times every other day at 10:30 am between the hours of 4 a.m. and 8 p.m., enter these values:
For days, enter Run Every 2/Days and set Use Time Windows as Start 4:00:00 AM and End 8:00:00 PM and Repeat 2.
If the scheduler is unable to complete a task within the scheduled interval, when it finishes execution of the task, it is rescheduled for the next immediate interval.
- In Send to archive server, select an already configured archive server to store the backup files externally from the appliance during a scheduled backup or when manually running a backup.This option is only available if you have configured an archive server. For more information, see Adding an archive server.
- You can select the Backup Protection settings. For more information, see Backup protection settings.
- Click OK to save your changes and leave the page. In the web client, you can click Apply to save your changes and stay on the page.