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One Login Admin Essentials

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  • All classes are priced per student.
  • Private classes are available.

Course Schedules

February 11-13 EMEA - 9AM Central European Time
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February 18-20 LATAM - 8AM Pacific Standard Time
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March 4-6 NAM - 8AM Pacific Standard Time
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March 11-13 EMEA - 9AM Central European Time
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March 18-19 NAM - 8AM Pacific Standard Time
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April 1-3 EMEA - 9AM Central European Time
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April 15-17 NAM - 8AM Pacific Standard Time
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Overview| Training Course Details

This course covers the basic concepts and tasks that a new administrator needs to know in order to successfully manage the One Login platform.

The course is designed to assist One Identity partner consultants and customer administrators in using and configuring the product and its features. This course is an administrator course and is not required to use One Login. However, for everyone ‘One Login Admin Essentials’ is helpful for a better understanding of the software.


Partner, Implementation Professional and Technical Sales




5 days (remote)




  • Deploy the OneLogin Unified Directory within a OneLogin subdomain.
  • Configure contextual security settings within OneLogin.
  • Add Applications to the OneLogin portal.
  • Automate the end-user experience with OneLogin tools.
  • Maintain the OneLogin subdomain with the Activity tools.
  • Customize a OneLogin subdomain.

Content Details

Deploy the OneLogin Unified Directory within a OneLogin subdomain.
  • Identify the most common sources of data for individual users in the OneLogin Unified Directory.
  • List the standard required/optional data fields for the One Login Unified Directory.
  • Deploy appropriate admin privileges within the standard OneLogin privilege set.
  • Describe external authentication for OneLogin.
  • Connect an Active Directory to a OneLogin Unified Directory.
  • Configure the Windows Domain Authentication feature.
  • Lab 1: Managing User
    • Exercise 1, Users and Privileges
    • Exercise 2, Connecting to Active Directory
    • Exercise 3, Configuring Windows Domain Authentication
Configure contextual security settings within OneLogin
  • Explain the purpose and use of OneLogin Security Policies.
  • Explain the purpose and use of OneLogin Security Groups.
  • Define an appropriate set of login security challenges for a group of users.Define an appropriate set of security challenges for a high-value application.
  • Describe the Smart MFA feature.
  • Lab 2: Configuring Security
    • Exercise 1, Security Policies
    • Exercise 2, Security Groups
    • Exercise 3, Testing User Policies
Add Applications to the OneLogin portal
  • Describe the 3 most commonly encountered SSO methods used by OneLogin.
  • Describe the OneLogin Browser Extension.
  • Add a forms-based application to the OneLogin portal as an administrator and an end-user.
  • Add an application using SAML for login to the OneLogin portal.
  • Deploy end user provisioning for an app within the OneLogin portal.
  • Use Attribute Macros in OneLogin to fine tune end user application provisioning.
  • Use OneLogin Roles to streamline application assignment.
  • Lab 3: Creating Connectors and Roles
    • Exercise 1, Forms Authentication
    • Exercise 2, SAML Authentication
    • Exercise 3, Enable Provisioning (From OneLogin to Salesforce)
    • Exercise 4, Roles
Automate the end-user experience with OneLogin tools.
  • Use OneLogin Mappings to assign OneLogin access to end users.
  • Use OneLogin Rules to provision application access to end users.
  • Give examples where OneLogin automation tools would need to be Reapplied.
  • Describe a situation where a change in the order of individual Mappings will change end user access.
  • Lab 4: Automating User Assignments
    • Exercise 1, Assign OneLogin and AD settings via Mappings
    • Exercise 2, Assign Service Provider settings via Rules
Maintain the OneLogin subdomain with the Activity tools
  • Use Standard or Custom reports to extract any set of data regarding end user and application use.
  • Use the Activity->Events page to yield specific detail about a system issue or event.
  • Design a notification to be used for a specific trigger.
  • Describe the function and use of the Activity-Jobs tab
  • Lab 5: Manage OneLogin through the Activites Menu
    • Exercise 1, Events
    • Exercise 2, Reports
    • Exercise 3, Jobs
    • Exercise 4, Notifications
Customize a OneLogin subdomain
  • Create a customized OneLogin Self-Registration from a set of instructions.
  • User the OneLogin Account->Settings menu to tailor a specific subdomain.
  • Create custom colors and images using the Branding menu.
  • Lab 6: Customizing OneLogin
    • Exercise 1, Mirror your organization's look and feel using the Branding options