When working with a custom process, a step that uses the PowerShellComponent / PowerShellComponentNet4 will freeze in the JobQueue with an error, but when running the same PowerShell manually on the Job Server, it will complete without any errors.
What causes Identity Manager to fail to run a script that is confirmed working on the Job Server?
This is not isolated to only the PowerShellComponent, but any Component.
The component that is run with StdioProcessor.exe uses the "environment" that is provided by this exe. This uses the DLLs that are located in the Identity Manager assembly directory. If the DLL is not yet loaded, it prefers the one from the assemblies directory.
SOLUTION 1: The first solution is to have a Job Server that does not have any extra components selected for the Job Server during the installation. This will cause the StdioProcessor.exe to use DLLs provided by the host system.
SOLUTION 2: Instead of using the PowerShellComponent, choose the CommandComponent process task and call PowerShell.exe with a PS1 script. This will run in its own process/environment.
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