What is the Attestation Step "Waiting for further approval", and how can it be used?
This Approval Step is documented in the Identity Manager Attestation Guide.
NOTE: Only one approval step can be defined with the WC approval procedure per approval level.
If you want to ensure that a specific data state exists in One Identity Manager before an attestation case is finally approved, then use the WC approval procedure. Use a condition to specify which prerequisites have to be fulfilled so that attestation can take place. The condition is evaluated as a function call, which must accept the attestation case UID as a parameter (AttestationCase.UID_AttestationCase). You use this UID to reference the attestation object. The function must define three return values as integer values. One of the following actions is carried out depending on the function’s return value.
Return Value Action Return value > 0 The condition is fulfilled. Deferred approval has completed successfully. The next approval step (in case of success) is carried out. Return value = 0 The condition is not yet fulfilled. Approval is rolled back and is retested the next time DBQueue Processor runs. Return value < 0 The condition is not fulfilled. Deferred approval has failed. The next approval step (in case of failure) is carried out.
To use an approval procedure
- Create a database function which tests the condition for the attestation.
- Create an approval step with the WC approval procedure. Enter the function call in Condition.
- Syntax: dbo.<function name>
- Specify an approval step in the case of success. Use the approval procedure with which One Identity Manager can determine the attestors.
- Specify an approval step in the case of failure.
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