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syslog-ng Store Box Notificación de productos

Product Release

Product Version Release


syslog-ng Store Box 6.3.0


One Identity is excited to announce a new version of syslog-ng Store Box is now available.

Look what's new in 6.3.0:

  • Alerting and monitoring restructuring: To make the web interface more consistent and logical, some elements of the Basic Settings menu have been restructured. 
  • High-availability cluster improvements: When using a high-availability SSB cluster, synchronizing the system time is now more frequent and reliable.
  • Enhancements: For establishing a connection with the web UI, SSB now uses OpenSSL version 1.1.1 
  • See the Release Notes for details. 

syslog-ng Store Box 5.3.0 will enter into discontinued support 17-Dec-2019. To determine the current support phase of your product, please refer to the syslog-ng Store Box Life Cycle table.

Need help with your upgrade?

Our experts can help you quickly transition to a new product version so you can start leveraging new functionalities. Check out the Upgrade Assessment offering to get started.

For a complete listing of professional services, visit the One Identity Services page.

Technical training options:

To ensure long term success, visit One Identity University to learn more about training options available to help you develop a technical expertise with the solution.

Be sure to check out our One Identity channel for online product technical tutorials.

Product Support Portal:

See the syslog-ng Store Box Product Support page for:

  • Video Tutorials
  • Knowledgebase Search (across KBs & Product forums)
  • Access online product documentation
  • Review Product Life Cycle, Support Guide, Policies and Offerings


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