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Safeguard Privilege Manager for Windows Notificación de productos

Product Release

One Identity is excited to announce a new version of Safeguard Privilege Manager for Windows is now available.

Look what's new in 4.5:

  • Improved the coherency of check boxes used for the validation logics of operating systems.
  • Added support for Safeguard Privilege Manager for Windows Console to target existing MS SQL Server 2019 for database. 
  • Added support to install Safeguard Privilege Manager for Windows on MS Windows Server 2019.
  • Added support to manage Windows Server 2019 as a Safeguard Privilege Manager for Windows Client.
  • Added a menu option to run gpupdate from the client's system tray menu.
  • See the Release Notesfor details on enhancements, corrections and improvements. 

Version 4.3.x is scheduled to go into limited support on May 14, 2023 and discontinue support on August 14, 2023.

To determine the current support phase of your product, please refer to the Safeguard Privilege Manager for Windows Life Cycle table.