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One Identity Safeguard for Privileged Sessions Notificación de productos

Soporte discontinuado
Dear customer, 
This email notification is to inform you that your organization may own One Identity Safeguard Hardware   (2000 Series and T-Series) that is no longer supported.
The Safeguard Hardware appliance End-of-Support dates are documented on the respective Safeguard Support Site. Click the appropriate link, then select the Hardware Tab.
Safeguard for Privileged Passwords
Safeguard for Privileged Sessions
It has come to our attention that some of our customers received email notifications about the End-of-Support dates while others did not.
To give all our customers the time needed to plan and schedule an upgrade, we have extended our support for both the 2000 Series & T-Series hardware and software until December 1st, 2023.
Supported hardware and software scenarios:
SPP = Safeguard for Privileged Passwords
SPS = Safeguard for Privileged Sessions
  • SPP 2000 Series hardware appliances that are not joined to SPS can run the most recent SPP software, which at the time of this writing is 7.3/7.0.3 SPP 2000 Series standalone deployments are expected to be current on software versions and Support as detailed in the SPP Support link provided above.
  • SPP 2000 Series hardware appliances that are joined to SPS T-Series appliances cannot be upgraded to version 7.x and will be supported on 6.0.14/6.14 until upgraded to 4000 Series, moved to virtual appliances or the end of support date Dec 1, 2023. 
  • SPS T-Series hardware appliances that are not joined to SPP cannot be upgraded to version 7.x and will be supported on 6.0.14/6.14 until upgraded to 4000 Series, moved to virtual appliances or the end of support date Dec 1, 2023.
  • SPS T-Series hardware appliances that are joined to SPP 2000 Series appliances cannot be upgraded to version 7.x and will be supported on 6.0.14/6.14 until upgraded to 4000 Series, moved to virtual appliances or the end of support date Dec 1, 2023.
For more information or questions regarding hardware upgrades and migrations please contact your Account Manager. If you do not know who your Account Manager is please use this form at  Contact Sales.