At this time, there is no option in the Quick Connect or the Active Roles Synchronization Service which allows for a scheduled Unmap action.
It is possible to leverage the Quick Connect or Synchronization Service Management Shell in order to automate or schedule an Unmap.
The PowerShell script below is provided as a Proof of Concept, and might be used as a model for a solution which addresses this need.
This script example leverages an Active Roles source connection called "ARS" and a SQL target connection called "SQL" and unmaps objects of type "User" which are mapped to associated objects of type "SQL-Object". Update the script accordingly to match your configuration.
' =================================================== ' DISCLAIMER ' ***************************************************************************** ' THIS CODE AND INFORMATION IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, ' EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED ' WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTBILITY AND/OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ' ***************************************************************************** function getMappedObject($userObject){ $mappedObject = Get-QCMappedObjects -QCObject $userObject | where-object{($_.ConnectionName -eq "SQL") -and ($_.ObjectType -eq "sql-object")} #Target connection name and object class return $mappedObject } function main(){ Write-Host "Unmapping objects..." $count = 0 $conn = Get-QCObject -Connection "ARS" -ObjectType "User" #Source connection name and object class $conn | ForEach-Object{ $mapped = getMappedObject $_ if ($mapped){ $count += 1 Start-QCObjectUnmap -QCObject1 $_ -QCObject2 $mapped | Out-Null } } Write-Host "Unmapping complete." Write-Host "$count objects unmapped." } main
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