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Identity Manager 8.1.5 - Administration Guide for Connecting to Microsoft Exchange

Managing Microsoft Exchange environments Setting up Microsoft Exchange synchronization Basic data for managing a Microsoft Exchange environment Microsoft Exchange structure Microsoft Exchange mailboxes Email users and email contacts Mail-enabled distribution groups Dynamic distribution groups Mail-enabled public folders Extensions for supporting Exchange hybrid environments Error handling Configuration parameters for managing a Microsoft Exchange environment Default project template for Microsoft Exchange

Mailbox general master data

Enter the following data on the General tab.

Table 28: Mailbox general master data
Property Description
Employee Employee using the mailbox. An employee is already entered if the mailbox was generated by an account definition. If you create the mailbox manually, you can select an employee in the menu.
Account definition

Account definition through which the mailbox was created.

Use the account definition to automatically populate mailbox master data and to specify a manage level for the mailbox. One Identity Manager finds the IT operating data of the assigned employee and uses it to populate the corresponding fields in the mailbox.

NOTE: The account definition cannot be changed once the mailbox has been saved.

Manage level

Manage level with which the mailbox is created. Select a manage level from the menu. You can only specify the manage level can if you have also entered an account definition. All manage levels of the selected account definition are available in the menu.
Active Directory user account Active Directory user account for which this mailbox is created.
Linked mailbox

External Active Directory user account that has access to the Exchange organization through this mailbox. A linked mailbox is only permitted for mailboxes with the linked mailbox mailbox type. The linked mailbox itself is disabled. Disabling in Active Directory is done by the One Identity Manager Service. After the next synchronization, the linked mailbox is also disabled in the One Identity Manager database.

Exchange organization

Name of the Microsoft Exchange organization.

Canonical name Mailbox's canonical name. The canonical name is generated automatically.
Mailbox type Type of mailbox. Available mailbox types are: User, Room, Equipment, Linked, Legacy, Shared, Discovery, and Linked room.
Alias Unique alias for further identification of the mailbox.
Mailbox database

Name of the mailbox database. Mailbox data is stored in the mailbox database (messages received, attachments, folders, documents). The mailbox database for user mailboxes is determined from the current IT operating data for the assigned employee depending on the mailbox manage level.

This data is optional. If empty, Microsoft Exchange decides which mailbox database is used.

Automatically update based on recipient policy Specifies whether changes to recipient's email addresses are automatically updated based on incoming settings.
Proxy addresses

Email addresses for the mailbox. You can also add other mail connectors (for example, CCMail, MS) in addition to the standard address type (SMTP, X400).

Use the following syntax to set up other proxy addresses:

Address type: new email address

Sender authentication required Specifies whether authentication data is requested from senders. Set this option to prevent anonymous senders mailing to the mailbox.
Max. number of recipients Maximum number of recipients to which the mailbox user can send messages. If there is no limit, the global setting for Microsoft Exchange organization message delivery in the Microsoft Exchange System Manager.
Send and forward Specifies whether to send and forward messages. Set this option to send messages to alternative recipients and mailbox owners.
Alternative recipient

Alternative recipient to which messages from this mailbox are forwarded. You can either enter an alternative recipient, a recipient group or a receive folder.

To specify an alternative recipient

  1. Click next to the field.
  2. Select the table under Table which maps the recipient.
  3. Select the recipient under Alternative recipient.
  4. Click OK.
Simple display name Simple display name for systems that cannot interpret all the characters of normal display names.
Folder policy Mailbox policy for folder administration.
Role assignment policy

Role assignment policy which applies for this mailbox.

Sharing policy

Sharing policy which applies for this mailbox.

Outlook Web App mailbox policy

Outlook Web App mailbox policy, which applies to this mailbox.

Mailbox is locked Specifies whether the mail box is locked.
Do not display in address list Specifies whether the mailbox is visible in address books. Set this option if you want to prevent the mailbox from being displayed in address books. This option applies to all address books.
Distinguished name Active Directory user account's distinguished name.
Distinguished Exchange name Mailbox's distinguished name.
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Calendar settings for mailboxes

You can enable the Calendar Attendant to automatically update changes to meeting data, such as meeting times or responses from attendees in the calendar.

Enter the following data on the Calendar tab.

Table 29: Mailbox calendar settings
Property Description
Enable Calendar Attendant

Specifies whether the Calendar Attendant is enabled for mailboxes. Other settings become available once the Calendar Attendant is enabled.

Permitted values are:

  • Calender attendant disabled: The calendar attendant is not activated.

  • Calender attendant enabled: The calendar attendant is activated.

  • Resource booking attendant enabled: The resource booking attendant is automatically enabled for mailboxes of type Room.

New meeting requests are marked with the status "tentative". Specifies whether meeting requests are automatically entered in the calendar with the Tentative status.
Permit meeting requests from external senders Specifies whether meeting requests from external senders are entered in the calendar.
Delete expired meeting requests Specifies whether to automatically delete old meeting requests from the calendar.
Delete expired meeting requests Specifies whether to automatically delete messages to other attendees about forwarded meetings. These messages are moved to the Deleted items folder.
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Limits for a mailbox

Enter the following master data on the Limits tab.

Table 30: Limits for a mailbox
Property Description
Number of saved messages Number of saved messages. This data is determined through synchronization and cannot be edited manually.
Used disk space [byte] Used disk space in bytes. This data is determined through synchronization and cannot be edited manually.
Max. send size [KB] Maximum size for message in KB that a mailbox can send. The Microsoft Exchange organization global settings in the Microsoft Exchange System Manager come into effect for message delivery if there are no limitations.
Max. receiving size [KB]

Maximum size for message in KB that a mailbox can receive. The Microsoft Exchange organization global settings in the Microsoft Exchange System Manager come into effect for message delivery if there are no limitations.

Use default database values

Specifies whether the mailbox database limits are used.

Option set: Mailbox database limits are in use.

Option not set: Mailbox database limits are not in use.

Prohibit transfer at [KB] Size of mailboxes in KB above which, sending, and receiving messages is prohibited.
Prohibit send at [KB] Size of mailboxes in KB above which, sending messages is prohibited. If this size is exceeded the user is sent a message that messages must be deleted in the archive mailbox. The user is not able to send more messages until the size of the mailbox has been reduced.
Warn at [KB] Maximum size in MB of the mailbox. If this size is exceeded the user is sent a warning that messages must be deleted in the archive mailbox.
Use default retention settings

Specifies whether to use the mailbox's default retention settings.

Option set: Mailbox database default settings are in use.

Option not set: Mailbox database default settings are not in use.

Store deleted objects [days] Number of days the deleted objects (email message for example) remain on the server before being removed.
Do not delete permanently before a backup is made Specifies whether objects are allowed to be deleted after a final backup is run.
Max. number subfolders Maximum number of subfolders allowed in a mailbox. This property is available from Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 or later.
Warn at [subfolder] Number of subfolders which can be created in a mailbox before the user is sent a warning. This property is available from Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 or later.
Max. folder levels Maximum number of levels in the mailbox folder structure. This property is available from Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 or later.
Warn at [folder levels] Number of folder levels which can be created before the user is sent a warning. This property is available from Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 or later.
Max. recoverable items Maximum number of messages allowed in a folder in the Recoverable items folder. This property is available from Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 or later.
Warn at [recoverable items] Number of items a folder in the Recoverable items folder can contain before a warning is sent to the user. This property is available from Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 or later.
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Mailbox archive

You can configure personal archives with which users can save messages in an archive mailbox.

Enter the following master data on the Archive tab.

Table 31: Archiving a mailbox
Property Description
Archiving enabled Specifies whether a personal archive is created for this mailbox. Set this option if you want to set up a personal archive for this mailbox.
Archive mailbox database Name of the archive mailbox database.
Archive name Name of the archive.
Max. size of archive [MB] Maximum size in MB that the personal archive of a mailbox may reach.
Archive warning from [MB] Maximum size in MB of the archive mailbox. If this size is exceeded, the user is sent a warning that messages must be deleted in the archive mailbox.
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