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Identity Manager 8.1.5 - Administration Guide for Connecting to IBM Notes

Managing IBM Notes environments Setting up IBM Notes synchronization Basic configuration data Notes domains Notes certificates Notes templates Notes policies Notes user accounts Notes groups Mail-in databases Notes server Using AdminP requests for handling IBM Notes processes Reports about Notes domains Configuration parameters for synchronizing a Notes domain Default project template for IBM Notes

Reports about Notes domains

One Identity Manager makes various reports available containing information about the selected base object and its relations to other One Identity Manager database objects.The following reports are available for Notes domains.

Table 60: Reports for the target system
Report Description
Overview of all assignments (domain) This report find all roles containing employees with at least one user account in the selected domain.
Overview of all assignments (certificate) The report shows all roles containing employees whose Notes user account was created with the selected certificate.
Overview of all assignments (group) This report finds all roles containing employees with the selected group.
Show orphaned user accounts This report shows all user accounts in the domain that are not assigned to an employee. The report contains group memberships and risk assessment.
Show unused user accounts This report shows all user accounts in the domain that have not been used in the last few months. The report contains group memberships and risk assessment.
Show entitlement drifts This report shows all groups in the domain that are the result of manual operations in the target system rather than provisioned by One Identity Manager.
Show user accounts with an above average number of system entitlements This report contains all user accounts in the domain with an above average number of group memberships.
Show employees with multiple user accounts This report shows all employees with more than one Notes user account in the domain. The report contains a risk assessment.
IBM Notes user account and group administration This report contains a summary of user account and group distribution in all Notes domains. You can find the report in the My One Identity Manager | Target system overviews category.
Data quality summary for IBM Notes user accounts This report contains different evaluations of user account data quality in all Notes domains. You can find the report in the My One Identity Manager | Data quality analysis category.

Overview of all assignments

The Overview of all assignments report is displayed for some objects, such as authorizations, compliance rules, or roles. The report finds all the roles, for example, departments, cost centers, locations, business roles, and IT Shop structures in which there are employees who own the selected base object. In this case, direct as well as indirect base object assignments are included.

  • If the report is created for a resource, all roles are determined in which there are employees with this resource.
  • If the report is created for a group or another system entitlement, all roles are determined in which there are employees with this group or system entitlement.
  • If the report is created for a compliance rule, all roles are determined in which there are employees who violate this compliance rule.
  • If the report is created for a department, all roles are determined in which employees of the selected department are also members.
  • If the report is created for a business role, all roles are determined in which employees of the selected business role are also members.

To display detailed information about assignments

  • To display the report, select the base object from the navigation or the result list and select the Overview of all assignments report.
  • Click the Used by button in the report toolbar to select the role class for which you want to determine whether roles exist that contain employees with the selected base object.

    All the roles of the selected role class are shown. The color coding of elements identifies the role in which there are employees with the selected base object. The meaning of the report control elements is explained in a separate legend. To access the legend, click the icon in the report's toolbar.

  • Double-click a control to show all child roles belonging to the selected role.
  • By clicking the button in a role's control, you display all employees in the role with the base object.
  • Use the small arrow next to to start a wizard that allows you to bookmark this list of employees for tracking. This creates a new business role to which the employees are assigned.

Figure 3: Toolbar of the Overview of all assignments report.

Table 61: Meaning of icons in the report toolbar



Show the legend with the meaning of the report control elements

Saves the current report view as a graphic.

Selects the role class used to generate the report.

Displays all roles or only the affected roles.

Configuration parameters for synchronizing a Notes domain

The following configuration parameters are additionally available in One Identity Manager after the module has been installed.

Table 62: Configuration parameters for synchronizing a Notes domain
Configuration parameter Meaning if Set
TargetSystem | NDO Preprocessor relevant configuration parameter for controlling the database model components for the administration of the target system IBM Notes. If the parameter is set, the target system components are available. Changes to this parameter require the database to be recompiled.
TargetSystem | NDO | Accounts Parameter for configuring Notes user account data.
TargetSystem | NDO | Accounts | InitialRandomPassword

This configuration parameter specifies whether a random generated password is issued when a new user account is added. The password must contain at least those character sets that are defined in the password policy.

TargetSystem | NDO | Accounts | InitialRandomPassword | SendTo Specifies to which employee the email with the random generated password should be sent (manager cost center/department/location/role, employee’s manager or XUserInserted). If no recipient can be found, the password is sent to the address stored in the configuration parameter "TargetSystem | NDO | DefaultAddress".
TargetSystem | NDO | Accounts | InitialRandomPassword | SendTo | MailTemplateAccountName

This configuration parameter contains the name of the mail template sent to provide users with the login data for their user accounts. The Employee - new user account created mail template is used.

TargetSystem | NDO | Accounts | InitialRandomPassword | SendTo | MailTemplatePassword

This configuration parameter contains the name of the mail template sent to provide users with information about their initial password. The Employee - initial password for new user account mail template is used.

TargetSystem | NDO | Accounts | MailTemplateDefaultValues

This configuration parameter contains the mail template used to send notifications if default IT operating data mapping values are used for automatically creating a user account. The Employee - new user account with default properties created mail template is used.

TargetSystem | NDO | BuildShortnameFullSync

This configuration parameter specifies whether short names are created for employee documents during synchronization, which do not have short names in IBM Notes. If this parameter is set, short names are created. If the parameter is set, short names are created. If not, user accounts without a short name cannot be added to the One Identity Manager database.
TargetSystem | NDO | CreateMailDB This configuration parameter specifies whether the mailbox file is created after or during registration of the Notes user in the target system. If the configuration parameter is set, the mailbox is created during registration. This uses the template of the Notes server on which the user is registered.

If the configuration parameter is not set (default), the mailbox is created after the Notes user has registered. This uses the template given in the user account or in "TargetSystem | NDO | DefTemplatePath".

TargetSystem | NDO | DefaultAddress

The configuration parameter contains the recipient's default email address for sending notifications about actions in the target system.

TargetSystem | NDO | DefTemplatePath Default template for adding the mailbox files on a Notes server.
TargetSystem | NDO | DenyAccessGroups Parameter for configuring the denied access groups for locking user accounts.
TargetSystem | NDO | DenyAccessGroups | Memberlimit Specifies the maximum number of members per denied access group. When this limit is reached, another denied access group is created automatically.
TargetSystem | NDO | DenyAccessGroups | Prefix Prefix used for formatting the group name for a denied access group.
TargetSystem | NDO | IsNorthAmerican Specifies whether the newly created ID files are compatible with the American (US) and Canadian IBM Notes version. If this parameter is set, all new user ID files are calculated with North American encryption strength.
TargetSystem | NDO | MailBoxAnonymPre Prefix for user account anonymity.
TargetSystem | NDO | MailFilePath Directory on the mail server, in which the user account's mailbox files are stored.

TargetSystem | NDO | MaxFullsyncDuration

This configuration parameter contains the maximum runtime for synchronization. No recalculation of group memberships by the DBQueue Processor can take place during this time. If the maximum runtime is exceeded, group membership are recalculated.

TargetSystem | NDO | MinPasswordLength Specifies the minimum password length that is set in all newly calculated user ID files.

TargetSystem | NDO | PersonAutoDefault

This configuration parameter specifies the mode for automatic employee assignment for user accounts added to the database outside synchronization.

TargetSystem | NDO | PersonAutoDisabledAccounts

This configuration parameters specifies whether employees are automatically assigned to locked user accounts. User accounts do not obtain an account definition.

TargetSystem | NDO | PersonAutoFullsync

This configuration parameter specifies the mode for automatic employee assignment for user accounts added to or updated in the database through synchronization.

TargetSystem | NDO | PersonExcludeList

List of all user accounts for which automatic employee assignment should not take place. Names are listed in a pipe (|) delimited list that is handled as a regular search pattern.

TargetSystem | NDO | StoreIDInAddressbook This configuration parameter control the behavior of ID files for new user accounts. If the configuration parameter is set, the ID files are attached to the employee document. If this configuration parameter is no set, the ID file is stored on the gateway server.
TargetSystem | NDO | UpdateAddressbook If the configuration is set, entries in the Domino Directory are added when new user ID files are created.
TargetSystem | NDO | UserType This configuration parameter specifies the type of user that results from registering.

TargetSystem | NDO | VerifyUpdates

This configuration parameter specifies whether modified properties are checked by updating. If this parameter is set, the objects in the target system are verified after every update.

Default project template for IBM Notes

A default project template ensures that all required information is added in One Identity Manager. This includes mappings, workflows, and the synchronization base object. If you do not use a default project template you must declare the synchronization base object in One Identity Manager yourself.

Use a default project template for initially setting up the synchronization project. For custom implementations, you can extend the synchronization project with the Synchronization Editor.

The template uses mappings for the following schema types.

Table 63: Mapping Notes schema types to tables in the One Identity Manager schema
Schema type in IBM Notes Table in the One Identity Manager Schema
AdminRequest NDOAdmin4
Certifier NDOCertifier
CertificateRequest NDOCertifierRequest
Database NDOMailInDB
CurrentDomain NDODomain
Group NDOGroup
Employee NDOUser
PolicyMaster NDOPolicy
PolicyArchive NDOPolicySetting
PolicyDesktop NDOPolicySetting
PolicyMail NDOPolicySetting
PolicyRegistration NDOPolicySetting
PolicySecurity NDOPolicySetting
PolicySetup NDOPolicySetting
Server NDOServer
Template NDOTemplate
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