Special owners are assigned to various objects in One Identity Manager. Different approval procedures can be used to determine these owners as attestors.
In the Web Portal, owners can be assigned to devices or system entitlements. In the context of an attestation, the selected owner can confirm that this assignment is correct. For more information about this, see the One Identity Manager Web Portal User Guide.
Attestation base objects:
Devices (Hardware)
System entitlements (UNSGroup)
Proposed owner
An Owners application role can be assigned to privileged objects of a Privileged Account Management system. If privileged objects are attested, it is possible to determine members of these application roles as attestors. The owners attest the possible user access to these privileged objects.
Installed modules: Privileged Account Governance Module
Attestation base objects:
PAM account groups (PAGAccGroup)
PAM appliances (PAGAppliance)
PAM assets (PAGAsset)
PAM asset accounts (PAGAstAccount)
PAM asset groups (PAGAstGroup)
PAM directory accounts (PAGDirAccount)
PAM access options (PAGUserAttestation)
PAM user groups (PAGUsrGroup)
Members of the Privileged Account Governance | Asset and account owners application role or a child application role with the attestation object assigned to it.
If Active Directory is connected via the Active Roles connector and memberships in Active Directory groups can be requested in IT Shop, additional owners can be assigned to the Active Directory groups. These additional owners can be determined as attestors. For more information about these functions, see the One Identity Manager Administration Guide for One Identity Active Roles Integration.
Installed modules: Active Roles Module
The TargetSystem | ADS | ARS_SSM configuration parameter is set. The column Additional owners is only available in this case.
Attestation base objects:
Active Directory groups (ADSGroup)
Active Directory user accounts: group assignments (ADSAccountInADSGroup)
Additional owners of the Active Directory group
Identities are determined that are:
A member in the assigned Active Directory group through their Active Directory user account
Linked to the assigned Active Directory user account
An Owners application role can be assigned to Microsoft Entra ID service principals. If service principals are attested, members of these application roles are determined as attestors.
Installed modules: Microsoft Entra ID Module
Attestation base objects:
Microsoft Entra ID service principals (AADServicePrincipal)
Members of the Target systems | Microsoft Entra ID | Owner of service principals application role or a child application role that is assigned to the attestation object.
Owners can be assigned to applications in the Application Governance Module. When attesting application entitlements, owners of the applications under which the application entitlements are provided can be determined as attestors. For more information about applications and application entitlements, see the One Identity Manager Application Governance User Guide.
Installed modules: Application Governance Module
Attestation base objects:
Application entitlements (AOB Entitlement)
Members of the Application Governance | Owners application role or child application role assigned to the application that is provided under the application entitlement to attest.
In the Application Governance Module, approvers can be assigned to applications and application entitlements. When attesting application entitlements, approvers of applications under which the application entitlements are provided and the additional approvers of the application entitlements can be determined as attestors. For more information about applications and application entitlements, see the One Identity Manager Application Governance User Guide.
Installed modules: Application Governance Module
Attestation base objects:
Application entitlements (AOB Entitlement)
Members of the Application Governance | Approvers application role or a child application role assigned to the application that is provided under the application entitlement to attest.
Members of the application role or business role assigned to the application entitlement to attest as an additional approver.