If you need more disk space than the disk size of your default data disk available in syslog-ng Store Box (SSB), from version 6.9.0, you can also add a custom cloud service provider data disk to your configuration. From 6.9.0, SSB supports adding a Microsoft Azure-managed disk and from 6.10.0, SSB supports adding additional disks in VMware ESXi to your SSB configuration as a custom cloud service provider data disk, and assigning the SSB logspace of your choice to it.

In version 7.1.0, SSB supports adding Microsoft Azure managed disks of up to 32,767 GiB storage space to your SSB device. For more information about managed data disks in Microsoft Azure, see Disk type comparison in the Microsoft Azure online documentation.

This section describes the data disk information available for custom cloud service provider data disks on the web interface.

For more information about custom cloud service provider data disks on the cloud service provider side, see Adding a new custom cloud service provider data disk on the cloud service provider side.

For more information about custom cloud service provider data disks on the side, see Adding a new custom cloud service provider data disk to your SSB configuration.

For more information about assigning the SSB logspace of your choice to a custom cloud service provider data disk, see Assigning the SSB logspace of your choice to a custom cloud service provider data disk.

Data disk information for your custom cloud service provider data disks

After adding the new custom cloud service provider data disk to your SSB configuration, the following data disk information will be displayed under Log > Disks > <your-custom-data-disk>:

Figure 7: Log > Disks > <your-custom-data-disk> — Data disk information for your custom cloud service provider data disks

  • Status: The connectivity status of the custom cloud service provider data disk between the SSB side and the cloud service provider side.

    The possible status states are the following:

    • attached: The custom cloud service provider data disk is successfully attached to the virtual machine for your SSB device on the cloud service provider (in this case, Microsoft Azure) side.

    • missing: The custom cloud service provider data disk is committed to your SSB configuration, but the SSB device can not detect or access it on the cloud service provider side for some reason (for example, it was removed on the Microsoft Azure side earlier, or there is a connectivity issue with the Microsoft Azure portal).

  • File system ID: The unique identifier for your file system on the SSB side.

  • Host:Channel:Target:LUN (HCTL): The locally unique identifier for your custom cloud service provider data disk, which consists of the colon-separated data of the Host, the Channel, the Target, and the LUN (Logical Unit Number) value.

    The last digit of the custom cloud service provider data disk's Host:Channel:Target:LUN (HCTL) corresponds to the attached custom cloud service provider data disk's LUN value on the Microsoft Azure portal:

    Figure 8: Log > Disks > <your-custom-data-disk> — Data disk information for your newly added custom cloud service provider data disks (Microsoft Azure)

    Figure 9: Log > Disks > <your-custom-data-disk> — Data disk information for your custom cloud service provider data disks, with no SSB logspace assigned to them yet (Microsoft Azure)

    The second to last digit of the custom cloud service provider data disk's Host:Channel:Target:LUN (HCTL) corresponds to the attached custom cloud service provider data disk's Target value in VMware ESXi:

    Figure 10: Log > Disks > <your-custom-data-disk> — Data disk information for your newly added custom cloud service provider data disks (VMware ESXi)

    Figure 11: Log > Disks > <your-custom-data-disk> — Data disk information for your custom cloud service provider data disks, with no SSB logspace assigned to them yet (VMware ESXi)

  • Device name: The navigation path to your device on the SSB side.

  • Disk utilization: The utilization ratio of your custom data disk (in percentage), followed by the exact amount of free space, and the full size of the disk, in brackets.

  • (Optional) Onscreen information about logspaces assigned to the data disk: When you have not assigned the SSB logspace of your choice to the custom cloud service provider data disk yet, you will see the There are no available logspaces on this disk yet. onscreen information displayed on the SSB web interface.

  • (Optional) Logspaces available on this disk: When you have already assigned the SSB logspace of your choice to the custom cloud service provider data disk, the assigned logspaces will be listed here.

    Figure 12: Log > Disks > <your-custom-data-disk> — Data disk information for your custom cloud service provider data disks, with the SSB logspace of your choice assigned to them