Set affinity to LocalServer which supports SMB 2
Enable SMB1 on the targets systems
This can be checked using Powershell
Get-SmbServerConfiguration | Select EnableSMB1Protocol, EnableSMB2Protocol
To enable SMBv1 on the SMB server, run the following cmdlet:
Set-SmbServerConfiguration -EnableSMB1Protocol $true
Upgrade to 2.5.919 and use a DPA v4, which adds support for SMBv2 / SMBv3 for PSM File Transfer
If you are currently licensed for a virtual DPA you can download the virtual DPAv4 from
hereIf you currently have hardware DPA 3.x appliances and you want to swap these for hardware DPA 4.x appliances, you will need to contact your
Sales or Account Rep to discuss this.
When downloading files, the exact/full filename along with the file extension must be specified. e.g document1.docx.