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Download Safeguard Authentication Services 5.0.8 Full Maintenance ( Core Install (TAR.GZ)


IMPORTANT: Release 5.0 requires a new license key. Please obtain the new key before installing the new release. To obtain a new key, please refer to the License Key Upgrade page.

IMPORTANT: Release 5.0 requires a new license key. Please obtain the new key before installing the new release. To obtain a new key, please refer to the License Key Upgrade page.

If you have a mixed environment with some clients running on 5.0 and some running on an older version, you will need to have both licenses available. For more information and instructions see KB Article 325736.

Safeguard Authentication Services extends the capabilities of UNIX, Linux, and Mac systems to seamlessly and transparently join Active Directory and integrate Unix identities with Active Directory Windows accounts.

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