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Active Roles 8.0 LTS - Release Notes

Active Roles 8.0 LTS

Active Roles 8.0 LTS

Release Notes

11 November 2022, 10:43

These release notes provide information about the Active Roles 8.0 LTS release. For the most recent documents and product information, see Active Roles Technical Documents on the One Identity support portal.


About this release

Active Roles 8.0 LTS is major release with no new functionality. See Enhancements and Resolved issues.


The following is a list of enhancements implemented in Active Roles 8.0 LTS.

Table 1: Language Pack enhancements
Enhancement Issue ID

The Active Roles Language Pack has been updated for Active Roles 8.0 LTS, supporting the following languages:

  • For the Active Roles Administration Service, Configuration Center, Console and Synchronization Service components, the Language Pack provides support for German language.

  • For the Active Roles Web Interface component, the Language Pack provides support for the following languages:

    • Chinese (Simplified and Traditional)

    • French

    • German

    • Portuguese (Brazilian and European)

    • Spanish

For more information on the features, limitations and installation steps of the Language Pack, see Active Roles Language Pack in the Active Roles Administration Guide.


Resolved issues

The following is a list of issues addressed in this release.

Table 2: Administration Service resolved issues
Resolved Issue Issue ID

Previously, when the Active Roles Administration Service was configured to use a Group Managed Service Account (gMSA), using a SecureString parameter resulted in the following exception:

Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

The issue is now fixed: to avoid the exception, null checks have been included at the Encrypt and Decrypt methods of PowerShellCryptography.


Table 3: Configuration Center resolved issues
Resolved Issue Issue ID

Previously, Active Roles did not create Web Interface logs even if Web Interface logging was enabled in the Active Roles Configuration Center.

The issue was caused by certain logging configuration elements introduced in Active Roles 7.6, and is now fixed.


Table 4: Console (MMC Interface) resolved issues
Resolved Issue Issue ID

Previously, when right-clicking a built-in system object, for example a policy, the Rename and Rename operations were available, which could cause issues during configuration import (due to a constraint check for duplicate DNs in tables).

The issue is now fixed: the Rename and Delete operations are not available for built-in system objects, such as script modules, scheduled tasks, policies and virtual attributes.


Previously, when copying Built-in Policy - Password Generation, clicking Generate Password for a user generated a password according to the parameters set in the original policy instead of the copy.

The issue is now fixed.


Previously, adding hybrid users to Microsoft 365 (M365) groups via the Group Membership AutoProvisioning Policy did not work.

The issue is now fixed: the method of adding Azure users to a group has been changed to check if the edsvaAzureObjectId virtual attribute of Azure has a value. If the value is set, the Azure user is added to the M365 group.


Previously, within workflows, the value of the SecureString script parameter was displayed incorrectly in plain text.

The issue is now fixed and within the workflow, the value of the SecureString script parameter is displayed and stored correctly with asterisks instead of plain text.


Table 5: Installer resolved issues
Resolved Issue Issue ID

Previously, when the Active Roles installer was checking for components during installation, if the name of the ExchangeOnlineManagement module installation folder was in lowercase instead of camel case, the installation failed.

The issue is now fixed and now when the installer checks for the installation paths of the installed components, the installation does not fail due to different cases.


Table 6: Language Pack resolved issues
Resolved Issue Issue ID

Previously, when managing an Azure tenant with a Federated or Synchronized Identity domain type, the Add, Save, and Cancel buttons were not available in the Exchange Online Properties window in any localization other than English.

This issue has been fixed.


Added localization for the Azure Properties > OneDrive page of the Active Roles Web Interface.


Added German localization for the Configure Azure BackSync window in the Active Roles Synchronization Service console.


Previously, the tab name in the About window was not clearly visible and was not translated to German. These issues have been fixed.


Table 7: Synchronization Service resolved issues
Resolved Issue Issue ID

Previously, after configuring Microsoft Azure Active Directory Connect, the Azure AD Connector could not detect and retrieve the Azure extension attribute values.

The issue is now fixed and now the Azure AD Connector can retrieve the Azure extension attribute values from Microsoft Azure Active Directory Connect.


Previously, when creating a synchronization workflow or running scheduled workflows in Azure BackSync, token authentication could fail, causing the access token to become invalid.

The issue is now fixed by adding an additional connect call to Azure and updating the token lifetime evaluation so that Active Roles will reauthenticate the token when necessary.

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Previously, when importing a CSV Connector, checking the info attribute of a newly created object was defined as multi-valued even if the Attribute is multi-valued check box in Schema Settings > Edit... was not selected. This resulted in the following error after committing the changes:

An error occurred while creating the object 'testuser'.
Administrative Policy returned an error.
The attribute 'info' is a single-value attribute.

The issue is now fixed: importing a CSV connector does not ignore multi-valued inputs in Schema Settings, so when the Attribute is multi-valued check box is not selected, the delimited text value is treated as single-valued.


Previously, after configuring an Azure SQL database with SQL authentication, then restarting the Synchronization Service caused the following error message to appear:

Synchronization Service requires a configured database. Configure a database and then try again.
The user does not have the required permissions to work with the database. Add the user to the db_owner role in the database and restart Synchronization Service.
Specified cast is not valid.

The issue is now fixed: Active Roles Synchronization Service can now store configuration data on the Azure SQL database server.


Table 8: Web Interface resolved issues
Resolved Issue Issue ID

Previously, adding or modifying an attribute on any form of the Web Interface could result in the following error after saving and reloading the form:

Error: Unable to load Web Interface configuration. Incorrect configuration data received from Administration Service or configuration data corrupted on the web server.

This issue has been fixed, so you can now customize forms with new or modified attributes without any errors.


Previously, when using the Quick Search bar of the Web Interface with a user that had no permission to access the Azure tenants of their organization, the Web Interface returned a Value cannot be null error.

This issue has been fixed, and the Web Interface now shows an empty result window instead of an error in such cases.


Previously, when using a customized Web Interface, importing it after an Active Roles upgrade could result in an Index was outside the bounds of the array error.

The problem was caused by an XML handler issue, and has been fixed so that customized Web Interface deployments can now be loaded without errors.


Previously, clicking Help or Help Topics resulted in a 404 Not Found error message.

The issue is now fixed: since the Active Roles Administration Guide contains all of the help topics, the non-functional links have been removed from the Active Roles Web Interface.


Previously, when enabling JavaScript and creating a button to run a workflow by following the instructions in Knowledge Base Article 4257804, the button did not work and caused the Web Interface to display the following error:

An error occurred during the last operation. 
Error: Property accessor 'TaskOnclickJS' on object 'ActiveRoles.Web.Application.Controls.TaskBoxList.TaskItemPresenter' threw the following exception:'Object reference not set to an instance of an object.'

The issue is fixed: adding a button to the homepage of the Active Roles Web Interface can run JavaScript and trigger workflows without breaking the Web Interface.


Previously, the collapse button on the sidebar did not appear because its element name was incorrect.

The issue is now fixed and the collapse button on the sidebar is visible again.


Previously, in the Exchange Properties of an Exchange-enabled user, after modifying and saving Delivery Options in Mailflow Settings, saving Exchange Properties of the user caused the window to become blank instead of closing properly.

The issue is fixed and now after saving changes, windows and dialog boxes close properly in the Web Interface.


Previously, after logging in, the welcome message did not display special characters correctly in the name of the user.

The issue is fixed and now special characters appear correctly in the user name.


Previously, if the Reset Password action of the Web Interface was customized to be read-only, users could reset passwords even by leaving the Password and Confirm password fields blank.

This issue has been fixed by modifying the password validation method, so the Reset Password action now correctly displays an error message for blank passwords even if the action is customized to be read-only.


Previously, when trying to set the msExchHideFromAddressList attribute, the following error appeared:

Administrative Policy returned an error.
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

The issue occurred in environments where the Active Directory schema was extended for Exchange, but Microsoft Exchange was either not installed, or it was disabled.

The issue is now fixed: if there is no Exchange to connect to, Active Roles sets this attribute directly in Active Directory.


Previously, when trying to customize any object using any web browser except Internet Explorer, clicking the Edit icon on tabs reloaded the page instead of opening the edit form.

The issue is now fixed and the Edit button works correctly using any of the supported web browsers (Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge).


Previously, when saving a Personal View, the saved .csv export file did not contain the columns added to the view.

The issue is fixed and now when clicking Save to File..., the saved .csv export file contains the additional columns.


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