The supported One Identity and Quest products include the following:
For more information on these products, see Active Roles integration with other One Identity and Quest products in the Active Roles Administration Guide.
You can extend Active Roles via customization, using either out-of-the-box capabilities or other options, such as scripting. However, One Identity Support cannot provide assistance for every type of customization.
One Identity Support can provide assistance for the following customization types:
SDK sample scripts.
Any interactive graphical user interface (GUI) elements, such as workflows, policies, and Access Templates.
Web Interface items, including logos and options that have a Click here to customize setting, such as adding to or removing attributes from pages.
However, One Identity Support cannot provide assistance for the following customization types:
Custom scripts that do not use Active Roles SDK sample code.
Undocumented modifications of the Web Interface configuration files.
Third-party add-ons not provided by One Identity or Quest.
Consider the following general best practices when using (or planning to use) Active Roles.
Active Roles requires permissions to perform its functions and tasks. These required permissions can change with each version of Active Roles. For more information on the minimum permissions, see Minimum permissions for the Active Roles service account in the Active Roles Installation Guide.
IMPORTANT: Failure to use the documented permissions will result in limited functionality with Active Roles and an unsupported configuration.