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Cloud Access Manager 8.1.1 - How To Configure Microsoft Sharepoint

Dell™ One Identity Cloud Access Manager 8.1.1 - How to Configure Microsoft SharePoint

This guide describes how to configure Microsoft® SharePoint™ for use with Dell™ One Identity Cloud Access Manager. Cloud Access Manager now supports two configuration options for Microsoft SharePoint, the Cloud Access Manager WS-Federation application template supports both SharePoint™ 2010 and SharePoint™ 2013 to simplify and automate application configuration.

Cloud Access Manager configuration prerequisites

Adding Microsoft® SharePoint™ to Cloud Access Manager using WS-Federation

Click Save & Next.

Note: While SharePoint server may include multiple sites, the Cloud Access Manager template will only auto-configure one of them for you. You can add others manually as extra application portal links when the initial SharePoint application has been created.
Note: The relying party realm may be any value you choose, with urn: as its prefix, for example urn:cam-sharepoint. You will enter this value in SharePoint later when you create the new authenticator.
In Subject Mapping you must specify the attribute that Cloud Access Manager will use to derive the user's name for log in. The default attribute is mail. Click Next.
On the Claim Mapping page you can configure the values Cloud Access Manager will pass to SharePoint in the form of claims. By default only a user’s email address is required to successfully authenticate. If you need to pass other values, for example employee id, you can add further claims on the Claim Mapping page and populate them with the appropriate values from the relevant front-end authenticator.

You will also need to create the associated claim type mappings when you create the new claims-based authenticator in SharePoint. The Cloud Access Manager for Microsoft SharePoint utility will do this for you automatically, or you can add the claim type mappings manually using the New-SPClaimTypeMapping command. For further details, please refer to Manual configuration of a SharePoint™ 2013 Server WS-Federation Trust.
You will now see the Permissions page. This enables you to control which users can access the application. By default, all Cloud Access Manager users have access to the application. You can restrict access to the application to users who belong to a specific role, but for this example click Next to allow all users to access the application.
Enter an Application Name, for example SharePoint 2013, then click Next.
To configure how the application is displayed on the Cloud Access Manager Portal, enter the Title and Description you want to display on the Cloud Access Manager Portal.
Click Get Application Icon to locate and display the icon of the application or upload an icon of your choice.
Click Finish to complete the configuration of the application.

Configuring a SharePoint™ 2010 or 2013 WS-Federation Trust using the Cloud Access Manager for Microsoft® SharePoint™ utility

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