pmsrvinfo [--csv] | -v
Use the pmsrvinfo command to display information about the group in either human readable or CSV format. You can run this program on any server in the policy group.
pmsrvinfo has the following options.
Option | Description |
--csv | Displays information in .CSV format, instead of human readable output. |
-v |
Displays the Safeguard version number and exits. |
# pmsrvinfo
Policy Server Configuration:
Safeguard version : 6.0.0 (nnn)
Listening port for pmmasterd daemon : 12345
Comms failover method : random
Comms timeout(in seconds) : 10
Policy type in use : sudo
Group ownership of logs : pmlog
Group ownership of policy repository : pmpolicy
Policy server type : primary
Primary policy server for this group : adminhost1
Group name for this group : adminGroup1
Location of the repository :
Hosts in the group : adminhost1 adminhost2
pmsum /<full_path_name>
Use pmsum to generate a checksum of the named file. The output it produces can be used in a policy with the runcksum variable. If the requested binary/command does not match the checksum, it rejects the command.
pmsum has the following options.
Option | Description |
-v |
Prints the version number of Safeguard and exits. |
# pmsum /bin/ls 5591e026 /bin/ls
pmsysid [-i] | -v
The pmsysid command displays the Safeguard system ID.
pmsysid has the following options.
Option | Description |
-i | Shows the system host name and IP address. |
-v |
Displays the Safeguard version and exits. |
Safeguard is comprised of the following packages:
Contains the Privilege Manager for Unix Policy Server and PM Agent components and uses the native packaging system for each platform (RPM, PKG, etc).
Contains the Safeguard Policy Server and Sudo Plugin components and uses the native packaging system for each platform (RPM, PKG, etc).
This is a stand-alone native binary for each platform (not zipped, tarred or packaged). This binary exists stand-alone on the ISO to make it available for use prior to installing software. It does not change any Safeguard configuration on the host.
For more information, see Download Safeguard for Sudo software packages.
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