Basic rules for process monitoring
To use process monitoring in One Identity Manager.
In the Designer, check if the Common | ProcessState configuration parameter is set. If not, set the configuration parameter.
If the configuration parameter is set, you can configure process monitoring. In addition, the process view is enabled in the Manager.
You can control the extent of the logging using the configuration settings for each method.
The methods implemented by One Identity Manager allow monitoring of all modifications to the system that are triggered by a user action. Each action in One Identity Manager is labeled with a unique ID number. This ID number is called a GenProcID. All changes that can be traced back to the same cause are given the same GenProcID and are grouped in this way. If a previously stored action does not pass a GenProcID to the current action, a new ID is automatically created.
If an action is triggered from the One Identity Manager’s object layer, the GenProcID is written to the context data of the database connection. The logged in user is also noted in the context data and is made available in this way.
A new GenProcID is generated by the trigger if an action takes place directly in the database or through an application that works without the One Identity Manager object layer. This GenProcID is valid for the duration of the database connect, which means that all changes belong to the same action and link to the same GenProcID. The user data is made up of the database user’s name, the MAC address and the workstation name as well as the application name.
All actions (process triggers) that cause changes to the system, and their actual status information, are logged internally in the DialogProcess status table. Logging takes place independent of the chosen change history method. This log writing therefore provides a starting point for monitoring and allows the changes based on one action to be grouped together.
The following information is recorded for one action:
ID number (GenprocID)
Display name for the action
Base object that the action is triggered for
User that triggered the action
Time of action
Object key for selecting the process trigger
Comment on the action
Current process status
NOTE: The information is displayed in the Manager in the process view. For more information, see the One Identity Manager Operational Guide.
Detailed information about this topic
Logging data changes
NOTE: The information is displayed in the Manager in the process view. For more information, see the One Identity Manager Operational Guide.
To log data changes
In the Designer, check whether the Common | ProcessState configuration parameter is set. If not, set the configuration parameter.
In the Designer, set the Common | ProcessState | PropertyLog configuration parameter and compile the database.
When this configuration parameter is set, changes to individual values are logged and shown in the process view in the Manager.
If you disable the configuration parameter at a later date, model components and scripts that are not longer required, are disabled. SQL procedures and triggers are still carried out. For more information about the behavior of preprocessor relevant configuration parameters and conditional compiling, see the Conditional compilation using preprocessor conditions.
(Optional) To log changes for the user data part to properties that belong to an alternative key, in the Designer, set the Common | ProcessState | PropertyLog | AutoTrackAlternatePK | PayLoad configuration parameter.
(Optional) To log changes for the user data part to properties that belong to an alternative key, in the Designer, set the Common | ProcessState | PropertyLog | AutoTrackAlternatePK | PayLoad configuration parameter.
Label columns for which changes will be logged.
Label columns to be logged when an object is deleted.
TIP: If you set the Common | ProcessState | PropertyLog | AllDefaultPropertiesForModel configuration parameter in the Designer, One Identity Manager schema columns are already labeled for logging changes and deletions. Define which columns are affected in the QBMVDefaultHistoryColumns table.
Add, change, and delete operations can be recorded for objects. The GenProcID trigger is also passed down so that the changes to one object can be grouped together. The data changes are stored in the DialogWatchOperation and DialogWatchProperty tables. An entry is also created in the status DialogProcess table for the triggering action.
The following information is collected for these operations:
Adding an object
If a new object is added, the object key, object display name, date of insertion, and user are logged.
Changing an object
If a column is changed the old value, change date, and user are logged. Depending on the Common | ProcessState | PropertyLog | AutoTrackAlternatePK and Common | ProcessState | PropertyLog | AutoTrackAlternatePK | PayLoad configuration parameters, changes to properties belonging to an alternative key are logged.
Deleting an object
If an object is deleted, the columns to be logged an all primary key columns are logged. The value, deletion date and user are logged.
Related topics
Labeling columns for recording changes to data
TIP: If you set the Common | ProcessState | PropertyLog | AllDefaultPropertiesForModel configuration parameter in the Designer, One Identity Manager schema columns are already labeled for logging changes and deletions. Define which columns are affected in the QBMVDefaultHistoryColumns database view.
To label a column for recording
In the Designer, select the One Identity Manager schema category.
Select the table and start the Schema Editor with Show table definition.
Select the column and then the Column properties view.
Select the Miscellaneous tab and edit the following properties.
Related topics
Logging process information during process handling
NOTE: The information is displayed in the Manager in the process view. For more information, see the One Identity Manager Operational Guide.
To log process information
In the Designer, check if the Common | ProcessState configuration parameter is set. If not, set the configuration parameter.
In the Designer, check if the Common | ProcessState | ProgressView configuration parameter is set. If not, set the configuration parameter. Select the scope of logging through the configuration parameter option.
Permitted values are:
1: Full process tracking Process information from all processes marked for process tracking is logged.
2: Web Portal tracking Only process information for process marked for process tracking the Web Portal is logged. (default)
Label the process and process steps for process tracking and define templates for event, process, and process step process information.
In the Designer, use the Process Editor to set up templates for creating process information for processes, process steps, and events. Use #LD notation for language-dependent definition of process information.
If the Common | ProcessState | ProgressView configuration parameter is enabled, the Job generator creates entries in the status tables during process generation for processes, process steps, and events with process information.
Right at the start, the Job Generator uses the GenProcID for the generating operation. If there is no GenProcID passed at runtime, a new one is automatically created. This ID is written to the GenProcID global variable for the current database connection object before the process is generated. It can, therefore, be used by all processes. All partial steps that are triggered by a generating operation are grouped together in this way and logged. Bulk operations, such as synchronization and CSV import, are an exception. In this case, a new GenProcID is created for each individual step in tracking the object changes and not for the process as a whole.
An entry is set up in the DialogProcessStep status table for each process step that is marked for tracking. For each process that has at least one such process step, an entry is made in the DialogProcessChain status table. For each generating operation that has caused an entry in the DialogProcessChain status table, an entry is written to the DialogProcess status table. At the same time, the Job Generator creates the display name for the process view by running the given VB.Net expression for the process information.
The possible processing states and additional information available for the respective processing statuses are listed in the following tables.
Table 121: Possible process states
Initial |
<generated> ::= "G" |
End of processing |
<finalstate> ::= <ended> | <failed> | <not run>
<ended> ::= "E" (processing successful)
<failed> ::= "F" (processing unsuccessful)
<not run> ::= "N" (no longer accessible during processing) |
In progress |
<workingstate> ::= <delayed> | <processing> [<ProcessStateAddON>]
<delayed> ::= "D" (processing delayed)
<Long delayed>::="L" (processing was put on hold)
<processing> ::= "P" (in progress)
<ProcessStateAddON> ( optional additional information) |
Table 122: Possible additional information
Processing deferred until |
<datetime> ::= <YYYY> - <MM> - <DD> <HH> : <NN> : <SS>
<YYYY> ::= 1980..9999
<MM> ::= 01..12
<DD> ::= 01..31
<HH> ::= 00..23<NN> ::= 00..59
<SS> ::= 00..59 |
Retries |
<retryinfo> ::= 1..99 |
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