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Identity Manager 9.0 LTS - Configuration Guide

About this guide One Identity Manager software architecture Customizing the One Identity Manager default configuration Customizing the One Identity Manager base configuration One Identity Manager schema basics Editing the user interface
Object definitions for the user interface User interface navigation Forms for the user interface Statistics in One Identity Manager Extending the Launchpad Task definitions for the user interface Applications for configuring the user interface Icons and images for configuring the user interface Using predefined database queries
Localization in One Identity Manager Process orchestration in One Identity Manager
Mapping processes in One Identity Manager Setting up Job servers
The One Identity Manager Service functionality Tracking changes with process monitoring Conditional compilation using preprocessor conditions Scripts in One Identity Manager
Visual Basic .NET scripts usage Notes on message output Notes on using date values Tips for using Windows PowerShell scripts Using dollar ($) notation Using base objects Calling functions Pre-scripts for use in processes and process steps Using session services Using #LD-notation Script library Support for processing scripts in the Script Editor Creating and editing scripts in the Script Editor Copying scripts in the Script Editor Testing scripts in the Script Editor Testing script compilation in the Script Editor Overriding scripts Permissions for running scripts Editing and testing script code with the System Debugger Extended debugging in the Object Browser
One Identity Manager query language Reports in One Identity Manager Adding custom tables or columns to the One Identity Manager schema Web service integration One Identity Manager as SCIM 2.0 service provider Processing DBQueue tasks One Identity Manager Service configuration files


The AppServerJobProvider retrieves the process steps from the application server and sends them to a job destination.

Table 106: AppServerJobProvider parameters



Authentication data (AuthenticationString)

Select the authentication module. Depending on the authentication module, other data may be required, for example, user, and password. For more information about One Identity Manager authentication modules, see the One Identity Manager Authorization and Authentication Guide.

Max. number of pending requests (RequestQueueLimit)

The process requests are internally cached. This parameter defines the maximum number of cache entries. The default value is 1000.

Max. number of pending results (ResultQueueLimit)

The process results are internally cached. This parameter defines the maximum number of cache entries. The default value is 10000.

Connection parameter (ConnectString)

Web address (URL) of the application server.

Job destination module

In this module, you specify the job destination. This handles the process steps and returns an result to the Job provider. The following module types may be selected:

NOTE: You can configure any number of job destinations in one configuration file. The associated configuration sections are determined by name. Therefore the Job destinations that are added can be renamed.


The JobServiceDestination module of the One Identity Manager Service performs the actual handling of process steps. A JobServiceDestination requests the process steps from the job provider, processes them using process components and returns the result.

Table 107: JobServiceDestination parameters



Number of external slots (ExternalSlots)

Maximum number of external processes (StdioProcessor.exe) opened by the One Identity Manager Service for handling process components.

Environment variables for external slots (ExternalSlotEnvironment)

List of environment variables to set for external slot processes. Enter the variables in a pipe (|) delimited list.



Number of external 32-bit slots (ExternalSlots32)

Maximum number of external processes in the 32-bit memory (StdioProcessor32.exe) opened by the One Identity Manager Service for handling process components.

Environment variables for external 32-bit slots (ExternalSlotEnvironment32)

List of environment variables to set for external 32-bit slot processes. Enter the variables in a pipe (|) delimited list.



Number of internal slots (InternalSlots)

Number of internal process provided by the One Identity Manager Service for the internal handling of process components.

File with private key (PrivateKey)

File with encryption information. The default file is private.key.

The encryption file has to be in the installation directory of all servers with One Identity Manager Service. If the One Identity Manager Service finds a private key on start up, it places it in the user-specific key container and deletes the file from the hard drive.

To create a key file and encrypt database information, use the Crypto Configuration program.

NOTE: If you are working with an encrypted One Identity Manager database, see the notes on working with an encrypted database in the One Identity Manager Installation Guide.

Encryption method (EncryptionScheme)

Encryption method used

Permitted values are:

  • RSA: RSA encryption with AES for large data (default).

  • FIPSCompliantRSA: FIPS certified RSA with AES for large data. This method is used if encryption must match the FIPS 104-2 standard. The local security policy Use FIPS compliant algorithms for encryption, hashing, and signing must be enabled.


if more than one Job provider is being processed by the One Identity Manager Service, enter the name of the Job provider to be used. If this is empty the first Job provider is used.

Private key identifier (PrivateKeyId)

Identifier of the private key. If no ID is specified, a search is performed for the private.key file.

Use this parameter if you work with several private keys, for example, if One Identity Manager Service data must be exchanged between two encrypted One Identity Manager databases. Enter the private keys in the File with private key module. If One Identity Manager only uses an encrypted database, you can alternatively enter the key file in the File with private key parameter (PrivateKey).


Queue identifier The process steps are requested by the Job queue using this queue identifier. A Job server must be known in the One Identity Manager database for each queue.


Specifies when a process request has failed and is resent.

Timeout format:


Process request interval (StartInterval)

Interval in seconds after which the One Identity Manager Service requests new process steps The default value is 90 seconds. Suggestions for configuring the time interval are calculated from Job server statistical data.

Interval for calculating statistics (StatisticInterval)

Interval in seconds in which the One Identity Manager Service delivers statistic information on processing speed to the database. The default value is set to 4 times the process request interval. Suggestions for configuring the time interval are calculated from Job server statistical data.

Max. external processor reusage count (MaxExternalSlotReuse)

Specifies how often an external processor can be reused before the process is unloaded and restarted. The value 0 indicates that the process is only unloaded when no longer in use. The default value is 100.

Related topics


The FileJobDestination handles the process steps provided by the FileJobGate (FileJobProvider or FTPJobProvider) and returns the results to the job provider.

Table 108: FileJobDestination parameters



Backup of transferred files (BackupFiles)

If this option is enabled, all files (with or without errors) are moved to a Backup subdirectory. In the default case (not set) only files with errors are saved.

Check file index (CheckInputIndex)

If this option is set, the file name index is checked to see if has increased in size. Files with the same or a lower index are not processed. This option is not set by default.

Max. number of process trees in a transfer file (MaxListCount)

Maximum number of process steps that can be grouped together as a file. This allows limiting of the file size.

Use encryption (UseEncryption)

Specifies whether the data is to be written to the files in encrypted form.

NOTE: The setting for encryption must be identically configured in the job provider and the related job destination.

Notification methods (EventTypes)

The job provider supports three different methods for providing notification about new data.

  • Timer: Newly stored data is queried at defined intervals.

  • HTTP: The provider queries the parent Job server through HTTP and processes the stored data once the server replies.

  • FSEvent: Newly stored data is queried after a file system event.

The notification methods can be combined when separated by commas.



Remote host for HTTP notification (HostName)

If using the HTTP notification method, enter the name of the remote host here to which the queries are transferred.

HTTP notification port (Port)

If using the HTTP notification method, enter the port for transfer here.

File lookup timer interval (ms) (TimerInterval)

If using the TIMER notification method, enter the interval in milliseconds here.

Input directory (InputDirectory)

The module reads and processes the process files (*.fjg) in this directory.

NOTE: Ensure that the job provider and related job destination use the same directory. Input directory and output directory are then reversed accordingly.

Output directory (OutputDirectory)

Directory to which the processed files are written.

Subdirectories (SubDirectories)

You can enter a list of directory names separated by a pipe character (|) here. All the directories are then monitored and processed correspondingly. The following directory structure is expected:

SubDirectories = "ServerA|ServerB"








where Request and Response are the directories specified in the Input directory (InputDirectory) and Output directory (OutputDirectory) parameters.

NOTE: You can only use the Timer notification method. The HTTP and FSEvent notification methods are not available.

Automatic identification of subdirectories (AutoSubDirectories)

If this option is enabled, the module automatically processes all the files in the subdirectories. Processing is not recursive.


if more than one job provider is being processed by the One Identity Manager Service, enter the name of the job provider to be used. If this is empty the first Job provider is used.

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