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Safeguard Authentication Services 6.1 - Ansible Guide

Title Page



Safeguard Authentication Services 6.1

Ansible Guide


Copyright 2024 One Identity LLC.


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WARNING: A WARNING icon highlights a potential risk of bodily injury or property damage, for which industry-standard safety precautions are advised. This icon is often associated with electrical hazards related to hardware.

CAUTION: A CAUTION icon indicates potential damage to hardware or loss of data if instructions are not followed.

SAS Ansible Guide
Updated - 27 November 2024, 14:12

For the most recent documents and product information, see Online product documentation.

Table of Contents


Supported platforms

The following table provides a list of supported UNIX and Linux platforms for Safeguard Authentication Services.

CAUTION: As of Safeguard Authentication Services version 6.1, the following platforms and architectures are no longer supported:

  • CentOS Linux 6

  • Apple MacOS 11.3

  • Oracle Enterprise Linux (OEL) 6

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 6

Table 1: UNIX agent: Supported platforms




Alma Linux

8, 9

x86_64, AARCH64, PPC64le, s390x

Amazon Linux

AMI, 2, AL2022


Apple MacOS

13.0 and above

x86_64, ARM64

CentOS Linux

7, 8

s390x, PPC64, PPC64LE, x86, x86_64, AARCH64

CentOS Stream

8, 9

x86_64, AARCH64, PPC64LE, s390x


Current supported releases

x86_64, x86, AARCH64

Fedora Linux

Current supported releases

x86_64, x86, AARCH64, PPC64LE


13.x, 14.x






6.1 TL9, 7.1 TL3, TL4, TL5, 7.2, 7.3

Power 4+


Current supported releases

x86_64, x86, AARCH64, PPC64LE, s390x

Oracle Enterprise Linux (OEL)

7, 8, 9

x86_64, AARCH64

Oracle Solaris

10 8/11 (Update 10), 11.x

SPARC, x64

Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL)

7, 8, 9

s390x, PPC64, PPC64LE, x86, x86_64, AARCH64

Rocky Linux

8, 9

x86_64, AARCH64, PPC64LE, s390x

SuSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES)/Workstation

12, 15

s390x, PPC64, PPC64LE, x86, x86_64, AARCH64


Current supported releases

x86_64, x86, AARCH64

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