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Identity Manager Data Governance Edition 8.1.4 - Technical Insight Guide

One Identity Manager Data Governance Edition Technical Insight Guide Data Governance Edition network communications Data Governance service Data Governance agents Resource activity collection in Data Governance Edition Cloud managed hosts permission level to role mapping QAM module tables Configurable configuration file settings
Data Governance service configuration file settings Data Governance agent configuration file settings
Configurable registry settings PowerShell commands
Adding the PowerShell snap-ins Finding component IDs Data Governance Edition deployment Service account management Managed domain deployment Agent deployment Managed host deployment Account access management Resource access management Governed data management Classification management


Returns where users and groups have access on a managed host.


Get-QAcccountAccess [-ManagedHostId] <String> [-TargetType] <QAM.Client.PowerShell.TargetType> [-TargetId] <String> [-ResType] <QAM.Client.PowerShell.QueryResourceType> [[-AccountOrigin] [<String>] [[-Direct] [<SwitchParameter>]] [[-Exclusions] [<String[]>]] [[-DataUnderGovernance] [<SwitchParameter>]] [<CommonParameters>]

Table 178: Parameters
Parameter Description

Specify the ID (GUID format) of the managed host whose access you are interested in.

Run the Get-QManagedHosts command to retrieve a list of managed hosts and their IDs.


Specify one of the following types for the target object:

  • Account
  • Employee
TargetId Specify the ObjectSid for the account or employee.

Specify the type of resource to be queried. Valid values are:

  • CloudFiles
  • CloudFolders
  • Files
  • Folders
  • Shares
  • LocalOSRights
  • AdminRights
  • ServiceIdentities
  • SharePointResources
  • SharePointFarmAdminRights
  • SharePointWebAppPolicies
  • SharePointSiteCollectionAdminRights

(Optional) Specify the origin of the trustee SID specified in the query. Enter the DNS name of the reference domain or computer for the SID.

If this parameter is not specified, the server will attempt to infer it.


(Optional) Specify this parameter if you want the query to retrieve only direct access points.

If this parameter is not specified, group membership expansion should be taken into account.


(Optional) Specify a list of trustees that are not to be considered for account access via group membership. This means that if the account being considered is a member of one of the excluded trustees, that access will be ignored.

The list must be an array of strings in the following format: [domain DNS name:]SID. The domain DNS name portion can be excluded, in which case Data Governance Edition will infer what it can. For built-in accounts, a missing DNS name means that all of the instances of the provided SID must be excluded.


(Optional) Specify this parameter if you want to include only governed resources in your query.

If this parameter is not specified, the query will include all resources.

Table 179: Examples
Example Description

Get-QAccountAccess -ManagedHostId 72eed1b9-bf06-4bb9-9ac4-1886daafc514 -TargetId 6a894591-f707-41e5-a187-6b379d07c043 -ResType Folders -AccountOrigin xdomain.local -TargetType Employee -Direct $true

Looks at a managed host with id 72eed1b9-bf06-4bb9-9ac4-1886daafc514. The account or trustee in question has a SID of 6a894591-f707-41e5-a187-6b379d07c043, its type is Employee and the resource type is folders.
Details retrieved:
Table 180: Details retrieved
Detail Description
RightType The access right type.
ItemResourceType The resource type.
ResourceURI The URI of the resource to which the trustee has access.
TrusteeDisplayName The display name of the trustee.
TrusteeSid The SID assigned to the account (trustee).
HostName The host where the resource resides.
Rights The specific access rights assigned.
AppliesTo What the rights apply to.
Inheritance The type of inheritance.


For a given account (Domain\SAMAccountName), this cmdlet retrieves the account's resource access across all available hosts.

Note: This PowerShell cmdlet does not support Cloud managed hosts.


Get-QAccountAccessOnHosts [-AccountName] <String> [-AccountDomain] <String> [-ManagedHostList [<String>]] [-UriFilterPattern [<String>]] [-DirectOnly [<Switch Parameter>]] [-ResourceTypes [<String>]] [-OutputDirectory [<String>]] [-VerboseLogging [<Switch Parameter>]] [<CommonParameters>]

Table 181: Parameters
Parameter Description
AccountName Specify the name of the account to perform the access report on.
AccountDomain Specify the name of the domain to perform the access report on.

(Optional) Specify the managed hosts to be included in the report.

If this parameter is not specified, all managed hosts are included.

UriFilterPattern (Optional) Specify a string to limit the report to only include resources whose URI contains the given text string.

(Optional) Specify this parameter to exclude indirect access to a resource from the results.


(Optional) Specify the types of resources to be included in the report. Valid resource types are:

  • Files
  • Folders
  • Shares
  • LocalOSRights
  • AdminRights
  • SharePoint (includes all of other SharePoint resource types)
  • SharePointResourceItems
  • SharePointFarmAdminRights
  • SharePointWebAppPolicies
  • SharePointSiteCollectionAdminRights

If this parameter is not specified, all resource types are included.


(Optional) Specify an absolute path to a directory where the results are to be saved. If the directory does not exist, it will be created.

If this parameter is not specified, the results are only written to the PowerShell output stream.


(Optional) Specify this parameter to turn on verbose logging.

Table 182: Examples
Example Description

Get-QAccountAccessOnHosts -AccountName Administrator -AccountDomain MyDomain -ResourceTypes @("SharePoint", "Folders") -OutputDirectory "C:\log.txt" -VerboseLogging

Retrieves all SharePoint and folder access for account "Administrator" in domain "MyDomain". Verbose logging is enabled and the results will be saved in C:\log.txt.
Details retrieved:
Table 183: Details retrieved
Detail Description
RightType The access right type.
ItemResourceType The resource type.
ResourceURI The URI of the resource to which the trustee has access.
TrusteeDisplayName The display name of the trustee.
TrusteeSid The SID assigned to the account (trustee).
HostName The host where the resource resides.
Rights The specific access rights assigned.
AppliesTo What the rights apply to.
Inheritance The type of inheritance.


Retrieves the activity associated with a user on the specified managed host.

Note: This PowerShell cmdlet does not support Cloud managed hosts.


Get-QAccountActivity [-Trustees] <String[]> [-ManagedHostId] <String> [[-Extensions] [<String[]>]] [[-StartTime] [<DateTime>]] [[-EndTime] [<DateTime>]] [<CommonParameters>]

Table 184: Parameters
Parameter Description

The security identifier (SID) of the account whose activity you are interested in.


The ID (GUID format) of the managed host you would like to see activity for.

Run the Get-QManagedHosts command to retrieve a list of managed hosts and their associated IDs.

Extensions (Optional) Specify the extensions of the file types to be excluded from the query.

(Optional) Specify the start date and time (UTC) if you only want to see activity for a time span.

Specify the start time in the following format: "23/01/2016 10:36.30 PM"


(Optional) Specify the end date and time (UTC) if you only want to see activity for a time span.

Specify the end time in the following format: "23/01/2016 10:37.30 PM"

Table 185: Examples
Example Description
Get-QAccountActivity S-1-5-21-3263556741-3296809600-1972185209-1104 3d7e4bb0-e9e2-4d98-b948-21ac7ba1eca6 Returns all the activity for the specified account on the managed host with Id 3d7e4bb0-e9e2-4d98-b948-21ac7ba1eca6.
Details retrieved:
Table 186: Details retrieved
Detail Description
NodeId The ID used to link the activity database to the QAMNode table. (AuditNodeId in QAMNode table.)
ManagedHostId The value (GUID format) assigned to the managed host where the resource is located.
ManagedHostName The name of the host where the resource is located.
ResourceId The ID assigned to the operation that was performed.
ParentResourceId Shows which resource in the activity database is the parent.
ResourcePath For file system resources, the path of the resource.
SharePointPath For SharePoint resources, the path of the resource.

The type of resource.

Operation The type of operation performed against the resource.
StartTime The start date and time for collecting resource activity. Activity is stored in 'time spans'.
EndTime The end date and time for collecting resource activity. Activity is stored in 'time spans'.
TrusteeType The type of account.
TrusteeName The display name of the trustee that initiated the operation.
TrusteeSid The security identifier (SID) assigned to the account (trustee) that initiated the operation.
AuditTrusteeId The ID associated with the account that performed the operation. (UID_QAMTrustee in QAMTrustee table.)
AccessCount The number of times the operation occurred during the aggregation interval.


Returns the account aliases. This can be used to see the group membership for a specific trustee. For example, if one of these groups (aliases) has access to a resource, the original account will also have this same access.


Get-QAccountAliases [-AccountSid] <String> [-AccountDomain] <String> [<CommonParameters>]

Table 187: Parameters
Parameter Description

Specify the security identifier (SID) of the account.

AccountDomain Specify the name of the domain the account is in.
Table 188: Examples
Example Description
Get-QAccountAliases -AccountSid S-1-5-21-3765505745-248418262-535198764-1133 Returns the aliases related to the specified account.
Details retrieved:
Table 189: Details retrieved
Detail Description
Sid The security identifier (SID) assigned to the account aliases.
DomainDnsName The DNS name of the domain where the account is located.
TrusteeType The type of account.
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