Data Governance Edition is designed to serve the needs of different users.
User | Tasks |
Business Owner |
Business owners are automatically assigned to the Data Governance | Direct Owners application role when they are assigned as the business owner of a resource. They must also be assigned to the Request & Fulfillment | IT Shop | Product Owners application role or an application role under the Product Owners role to approve IT Shop requests. For more information on how to perform the business owner tasks, see Managing governed resources using the web portal |
Compliance Officer\Security Officer |
This user must be assigned the Identity & Access Governance | Compliance & Security Officer application role. |
Data Governance Administrator |
This user must be assigned the Data Governance | Administrators application role. They must also be assigned to the Request & Fulfillment | IT Shop | Product Owners application role or an application role under the Product Owners role to approve IT Shop requests. |
Identity\End-User\Resource Consumer\Knowledge Worker |
All active identities are automatically members of the Identity & Access Lifestyle shop and can therefore make self-service requests. |
Identity manager |
Identity managers must be assigned the Request & Fulfillment | IT Shop | Product Owners application role or an application role under the Product Owners role to approve IT Shop requests. |