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Identity Manager 8.1.5 - API Designer User and Development Guide

API Designer Basic principles of API development Examples and help – Software Development Kit Quick start – Creating an API Working with the API Designer
Starting the API Designer Project types User interface Global settings Database objects Labeling changes Find and replace Multilingual captions Managing database queries Managing tabs Managing layouts Displaying the change history (command list) Bookmarks Compiling an API Managing versions (compilation branches) Testing an API Linking C# projects to the API Designer
API projects API files API Server ImxClient command line program

Opening the navigation

By default, the navigation remains open (on the left side of the window) until you close it. You can open the navigation again at any time.

To open the navigation

  • On the menu bar, click View | Navigation.

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Start page

Open the start page from View | Start page (see Opening the start page).

The start page is displayed when the API Designer starts up.

On the start page, you can:

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Opening the start page

You can open the start page again at any time.

To open the start page

  • Click View | Start page on the menu bar.

    The start page opens in the work pane.

Global settings

Open the global settings from Connection | Settings (see Changing global settings).

Use the Global settings dialog to configure basic settings for API Designer. The following table gives an overview of the various features within the Global settings dialog.

Table 6: Global settings









Displays the language currently in use for formatting data such as date, time, or numbers.


After next restart

Specify which language the API Designer will use for formatting data such as date, time, or numbers. The next time the API Designer starts up, the API Designer will use this language. For more information, see Switching languages.


Use another language for the UI

Specify whether you want to use a different language for the API Designer's user interface than the one configured for formatting values. Use the After next restart option to specify the language for the user interface.

For example, you can continue using English for formatting data but have German as the display language.


UI language



Shows the language currently in use.


After next restart

Specifies the language for the API Designer. The next time the API Designer starts up, the API Designer will use this language. For more information, see Switching languages.



Specifies the resolution.


Maximum history length

Specifies how many changes can be undone.



Shorten long property values

If you would like to shorten long property values, enable this option.


Show an error message if syntax errors are found after editing

Enable this option if you want to receive a notification when syntax errors have been found after editing.


Save and load API Designer size within layout

If you would like to save the size settings for the API Designer view and reload them upon restarting, enable this option.


Ask for project type at each start

Enable this option if you would like to select how you would like to save your project each time you start API Designer (see Changing the project type).


Compilation branch identifier

Use compilation branches to store different API versions in the database.

Manage your compilation branches. You can select the compilation branch that you want to use, display the existing compilation branches, create compilation branches, edit compilation branches, and delete compilation branches.

For more information, see Managing versions (compilation branches).



Show following warnings as errors

Specify which warnings are displayed as errors during compilation. Enter the codes for the warnings, separated by commas. The error codes refer to the Microsoft C# compiler. For more information about compilation, see Compiling an API.

TIP: For information about error codes that occur during compilation, you can refer, for example, to the Error code table in the Tasks view (see Managing compilation errors and warnings (task window)).


Ignore following warnings

Specify which errors should be ignored during compilation. Enter the codes for the warnings, separated by commas. The error codes refer to the Microsoft C#Sharp compiler. For more information about compilation, see Compiling an API.

TIP: For information about error codes that occur during compilation, you can refer, for example, to the Error code table in the Tasks view (see Managing compilation errors and warnings (task window)).

Save and backup


Ask for change label if none is selected

Enable this option if you would like to be asked for a change label when saving.


Keep backup of unsaved objects on the local machine

If you would like to back up unsaved changes on your local hard drive, enable this option. This ensures that your changes are not lost if the program crashes.

Keyboard layout


Show next bookmark

Specify the shortcut to be used for the next bookmark.

TIP: To specify a Ctrl or Shift shortcut, enable the Alt and/or Ctrl options. Finally, select a button from the list.


Set/delete bookmarks

Specify the shortcut you want to use to set or remove a bookmark.

TIP: To specify a Ctrl or Shift shortcut, enable the Alt and/or Ctrl options. Finally, select a button from the list.

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