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Identity Manager 8.1.5 - Help Desk Module User Guide

Help desk

The integrated help desk functionality in One Identity Manager encompasses logging a problem, linking the data and information with employees, hardware, and workdesks as well as chronological tracking of the steps and measures taken to work out a solution to the problem. Problems can be forwarded for processing or deferred for resubmitting.

One Identity Manager components for report subscription are available when the "Helpdesk" configuration parameter is set.

  • In the Designer, check if the configuration parameter is set. Otherwise, set the configuration parameter and compile the database.

Basic data for logging and processing calls

Enter basic data for reporting and processing a call in the One Identity Manager. This data describes:

  • Support staff and teams
  • How the call was received (telephone, fax, email, post, for example)
  • Priority
  • Call types
  • Severity
  • Specified escalation levels
  • Escalation procedures to put into effect
  • Product definitions
  • Service agreement data

Setting up staff

To edit support staff master data

  1. Select the Employees | Employees category.
  2. Select an employee in the result list and run the Change master data task.
  3. Change to the Miscellaneous tab.
  4. Set the Help desk employee option.
  5. Select the "viHelpdesk" System user.

    The help desk login has to take place through an employee related authentication module. Thus support staff who are going work on the help desk are issued with a system user. "viHelpdesk" is supplied as the default system user. This system user has the necessary permissions and the user interface to use Manager to access the help desk resources of the database.

  6. Check the Default email address.
  7. Save the changes.

NOTE: Each employee is shown in the Help Desk | Basic configuration data | Support staff category and can also be edited there.

Setting up staff groups

In addition to help desk support you can define support teams which are assigned several support staff. Support teams should be seen as virtual help desk support that is available for responding to calls. Membership in support teams determines the calls displayed for the currently logged in help desk support. All the calls that a support team member has processed, and the calls that other support team members have processed, are displayed.

To edit support team master data

  1. Select the Help Desk | Basic configuration data | Staff groups category.
  2. Select the support team in the result list and run the Change master data task.

    - OR -

    Click in the result list.

  3. Enter the required data on the master data form.
  4. Save the changes.

To add a help desk employee to a support team

  1. Select the Help Desk | Basic configuration data | Staff groups category.
  2. Select the support team in the result list and run the Assign employees task.

    In the Add assignments pane, add employees.

    TIP: In the Remove assignments pane, you can remove assigned employees.

    To remove an assignment

    • Select the employee and double-click .
  3. Save the changes.

All the calls that a support team member has processed, and the calls that other support team members have processed, are displayed.

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