One Identity Safeguard for Privileged Sessions (SPS) is configured through the web interface. Configuration changes take effect automatically after clicking . Only the modifications of the current page or tab are activated — each page and tab must be committed separately.
For details about the supported browsers, see Supported web browsers and operating systems.
For details on how to use the web interface of SPS, see The structure of the web interface.
For details on how to configure the network interfaces, name resolution, and other networking-related settings, see Network settings.
For details on how to control (for example reboot) SPS, upload a new firmware or license, export the current configuration, or stop the incoming syslog traffic, see Network settings.
For details on how to set the system time and automatic time synchronization to an NTP server, see Configuring date and time.
For details on how to configure where SNMP and e-mail alerts are sent, see System logging, SNMP and e-mail alerts.
For details on how to configure system monitoring and alerts, see Configuring system monitoring on SPS.
For details on how to configure data and configuration backups, see Data and configuration backups.
For details on how to configure archiving, see Archiving and cleanup.
Since the official support of Internet Explorer 9 and 10 ended in January, 2016, they are not supported in One Identity Safeguard for Privileged Sessions (SPS) version 4 F3 and later. |
Even though the One Identity Safeguard for Privileged Sessions (SPS) web interface supports Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge in general, to replay audit trails you need to use Internet Explorer 11, and install the Google WebM Video for Microsoft Internet Explorer plugin. If you cannot install Internet Explorer 11 or another supported browser on your computer, use the the Safeguard Desktop Player application. For details, see "Replaying audit trails in your browser" in the Administration Guide and Safeguard Desktop Player User Guide. |
NOTE: SPS displays a warning message if your browser is not supported or JavaScript is disabled.
NOTE: The minimum recommended screen resolution for viewing One Identity Safeguard for Privileged Sessions's (SPS's) web interface is 1366 x 768 pixels on a 14-inch widescreen (standard 16:9 ratio) laptop screen. Screen sizes and screen resolutions that are equal to or are above these values will guarantee an optimal display of the web interface.
The current version of Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge (Microsoft Edge Legacy is not supported), and Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 or newer. The browser must support TLS-encrypted HTTPS connections, JavaScript, and cookies. Make sure that both JavaScript and cookies are enabled.
Windows 2008 Server, Windows 7, Windows 2012 Server, Windows 2012 R2 Server, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Windows 2016, and Linux.
The SPS web interface can be accessed only using TLS-encryption and strong cipher algorithms.
Opening the web interface in multiple browser windows or tabs is not supported.
NOTE: The minimum recommended screen resolution for viewing One Identity Safeguard for Privileged Sessions's (SPS's) web interface is 1366 x 768 pixels on a 14-inch widescreen (standard 16:9 ratio) laptop screen. Screen sizes and screen resolutions that are equal to or are above these values will guarantee an optimal display of the web interface.
Figure 31: Structure of the web interface
The web interface consists of the following main sections:
Each menu item displays its options in the main workspace on one or more tabs. Click a Main menu item to display the list of tabs available under that particular menu item.
The User menu provides possibilities to:
Disable confirmation dialogs and tooltips using the Preferences option. For more information, see section Preferences.
Change your SPS password using the Change password option. For more information, see section Change password.
Upload your security passphrase and permanent or temporary keys using the Keystores option. For more information, see sections Viewing encrypted screenshots and Replaying encrypted audit trails in your browser.
Log out.
Figure 32: About page
Displays accessibility and system health information about SPS, including the following:
Hardware usage: CPU, memory, hard disk, and swap use. Expand to see more details or navigate to Basic Settings > Dashboard for detailed reports.
Traffic overview: The number of active HTTP, ICA, MSSQL, RDP, SSH, TELNET, and VNC connections. For HTTP, the number of active HTTP sessions is displayed.
System information: System date and time. It also shows the status of the core and boot firmware.
Figure 33: Boot firmware - Tainted
License information: License information if the license is not valid, or an evaluation version license has expired.
General information such as, current timezone or user interface version, and so on, as well as, links related to new features, help or feedback.
The main workspace displays the configuration settings related to the selected Main menu item grouped into one or more submenus. Related parameters of a submenu are organized into labeled groups or sections, marked with blue outline .
Figure 34: Main workspace
Each page includes one or more blue action buttons. The most common action button is
, which saves and activates the changes of the page.
Show/Hide details: Displays or hides additional configuration settings and options.
Create entry: Create a new row or entry (for example an IP address or a policy).
Delete entry: Delete a row or an entry (for example an IP address or a policy).
Modify entries or upload files: Edit an entry (for example a host key, a list, and so on), or upload a file (for example a private key). These actions open a pop-up window where the actual modification can be performed.
Position an item in a list: Modify the order of items in a list. The order of items in a list (for example the order of connections, permitted channels in a channel policy, and so on) is important because when One Identity Safeguard for Privileged Sessions (SPS) is looking for a policy, it evaluates the list from top to down, and selects the first item completely matching the search criteria. For example, when a client initiates a connection to a protected server, SPS selects the first connection policy matching the client's IP address, the server's IP address, and the target port (the From, To, and Port fields of the connection).
Message window: This pop-up window displays the responses of SPS to the user's actions, for example Configuration saved successfully. Error messages are also displayed here. All messages are included in the system log. For detailed system logs (including message history), see the Troubleshooting tab of the Basic Settings. To make the window appear only for failed actions, navigate to User menu > Preferences and enable the Autoclose successful commit messages option.
Figure 35: Message window
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