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One Identity Safeguard for Privileged Sessions 7.1 - REST API Reference Guide

Introduction Using the SPS REST API Basic settings User management and access control Managing SPS General connection settings HTTP connections Citrix ICA connections MSSQL connections RDP connections SSH connections Telnet connections VNC connections Search, retrieve, download, and index sessions Reporting Health and maintenance Advanced authentication and authorization Completing the Welcome Wizard using REST Enable and configure analytics using REST

HTTP connections


HTTP connections

List of endpoints for configuring the policies, options and connection rules of HTTP connections.

GET https://<IP-address-of-SPS>/api/configuration/http
Cookie name Description Required Values
session_id Contains the authentication token of the user Required

The value of the session ID cookie received from the REST server in the authentication response, for example, a1f71d030e657634730b9e887cb59a5e56162860. For more information on authentication, see Authenticate to the SPS REST API.

NOTE: This session ID refers to the connection between the REST client and the SPS REST API. It is not related to the sessions that SPS records (and which also have a session ID, but in a different format).

Sample request

The following command lists the available settings for configuring for HTTP connections.

curl --cookie cookies https://<IP-address-of-SPS>/api/configuration/http

The following is a sample response received when listing the configuration settings.

For more information on the meta object, see Message format.

  "items": [
        "key": "authentication_policies",
        "meta": {
            "href": "/api/configuration/http/authentication_policies"
        "key": "channel_policies",
        "meta": {
            "href": "/api/configuration/http/channel_policies"
        "key": "connections",
        "meta": {
            "href": "/api/configuration/http/connections"
        "key": "options",
        "meta": {
            "href": "/api/configuration/http/options"
        "key": "settings_policies",
        "meta": {
            "href": "/api/configuration/http/settings_policies"
  "meta": {
    "first": "/api/configuration/aaa",
    "href": "/api/configuration/http",
    "last": "/api/configuration/x509",
    "next": "/api/configuration/ica",
    "parent": "/api/configuration",
    "previous": "/api/configuration/datetime",
    "transaction": "/api/transaction"
Item Description
authentication_policies List of the default and custom authentication policies.
channel_policies List of the default and custom channel policies.
connections List of the HTTP connection policies.
options List of global HTTP options that affect all connections.
settings_policies List of protocol-level settings (idle and session timeout). You can create multiple variations, and choose the appropriate one for each connection policy.
Status and error codes

The following table lists the typical status and error codes for this request. For a complete list of error codes, see Application level error codes.

Code Description Notes
401 Unauthenticated The requested resource cannot be retrieved because the client is not authenticated and the resource requires authorization to access it. The details section contains the path that was attempted to be accessed, but could not be retrieved.
403 Unauthorized The requested resource cannot be retrieved because the client is not authorized to access it. The details section contains the path that was attempted to be accessed, but could not be retrieved.
404 NotFound The requested object does not exist.

HTTP connection policies

Connection policies determine if a server can be accessed from a particular client. Connection policies reference other resources (policies, usergroups, keys) that must be configured and available before creating a connection policy.

GET https://<IP-address-of-SPS>/api/configuration/http/connections/
Cookie name Description Required Values
session_id Contains the authentication token of the user Required

The value of the session ID cookie received from the REST server in the authentication response, for example, a1f71d030e657634730b9e887cb59a5e56162860. For more information on authentication, see Authenticate to the SPS REST API.

NOTE: This session ID refers to the connection between the REST client and the SPS REST API. It is not related to the sessions that SPS records (and which also have a session ID, but in a different format).

Sample request

The following command lists HTTP connection policies.

curl --cookie cookies https://<IP-address-of-SPS>/api/configuration/http/connections/

The following command retrieves the properties of a specific policy.

curl --cookie cookies https://<IP-address-of-SPS>/api/configuration/http/connections/<connection-key>

The following is a sample response received when querying an HTTP connection policy with proxy connection.

For more information on the meta object, see Message format.

  "key": "http-connection-simple-proxy",
    "name": "http_proxy",
    "active": true,
    "network": {
      "clients": [""],
      "targets": [""],
      "ports": [3128]
    "server_address": {
      "selection": "inband",
      "dns_server": null,
      "dns_suffixes": [],
      "exception_domains": [],
      "domains": [
          "domain": {
            "selection": "domain",
            "value": "*"
          "port": 80
    "source_address": {
      "selection": "box_address"
    "web_proxy": {
      "enabled": true,
      "transport_security": {
        "selection": "disabled"
    "transport_security": {
      "selection": "disabled"
    "access_control": [],
    "indexing": {
      "enabled": true,
      "policy": {
        "key": "-50000",
        "meta": { "href": "/api/configuration/policies/indexing/-50000" }
      "priority": 3
    "rate_limit": {
      "enabled": false
    "log_audit_trail_downloads": true,
    "channel_database_cleanup": {
      "enabled": false
    "policies": {
      "channel_policy": {
        "key": "-304001002",
        "meta": { "href": "/api/configuration/http/channel_policies/-304001002" }
      "settings": {
        "key": "-3040010",
        "meta": { "href": "/api/configuration/http/settings_policies/-3040010" }
      "audit_policy": {
        "key": "78101850949e47437dd91d",
        "meta": { "href": "/api/configuration/policies/audit_policies/78101850949e47437dd91d" }
      "ldap_server": null,
      "backup_policy": null,
      "authentication_policy": {
        "key": "-304002001",
        "meta": { "href": "/api/configuration/http/authentication_policies/-304002001" }
      "usermapping_policy": null,
      "archive_cleanup_policy": null,
      "analytics_policy": null
Element Type Description
key string Top level element, contains the ID of the connection policy.
body Top level element (string) Contains the properties of the connection policy.
name string The name of the connection policy
active boolean Set to false to suspend the connection policy. Connection settings are preserved.
network Top level element
clients list, string List of client ("from") IP addresses.
ports list, integers List of target ports.
targets list, string List of target IP addresses.
server_address Top level item Defines the address where the clients connect to.
source_address Top level element Allows you to configure Source Network Address Translation (SNAT) on the server side of SPS. SNAT determines the IP address SPS uses in the server-side connection. The target server will see the connection coming from this address.
selection string

Configures Source Network Address Translation. Possible values are:

  • box_address

    Default. Uses the network address of the logical interface of SPS.

  • original

    Uses the IP address of the client, as seen by SPS.

  • fix

    Uses a fixed address when connecting to the remote server.

    Must be used with the address element.

address string

Must be used if the value of the selection element is set to fix.

The IP address to use as the source address in server-side connections.

web_proxy Top level element This will allow the clients to use SPS as an HTTP web proxy.
enabled boolean When set to true This will allow the clients to use SPS as an HTTP web proxy.
transport_security Top level element Configures the transport security (TLS) of the web proxy connection, between the client and SPS. Note that this setting requires a compatible client application that is capable of using TLS-secured web proxy connections.
transport_security Top level element Configures the end-to-end encryption used in the sessions.
access_control Top level list

Collection of access policies. Access policies define who can authorize and audit a connection.

indexing Top level item Configures indexing for the connection policy.
enabled boolean Set to true to enable indexing the connections.
policy string

References the identifier of the indexing policy. You can configure indexing policies at the /api/configuration/policies/indexing/ endpoint.

To modify or add an indexing policy, use the value of the returned key as the value of the policy element, and remove any child elements (including the key).

priority int

Specifies the indexing priority for the connection. Possible values are:

  • 5

    Very low priority.

  • 4

    Low priority.

  • 3

    Normal (default) priority.

  • 2

    High priority.

  • 1

    Very high priority.

  • 0

    Near real-time priority.

rate_limit Top level element Connection rate limit.
enabled boolean Set to true to provide a connection rate limit.
value int The number of connections (per minute) that are allowed in the connection policy.
log_audit_trail_downloads boolean

Set to true to log audit trail downloads.

channel_database_cleanup Top level item Configures cleanup of the connection metadata on the connection policy's level.
days int

Retention time, in days. Must not exceed the retention time of the archive_cleanup_policy, and the retention time configured in the global settings of the protocol.

The global settings of the HTTP protocol are available at the api/configuration/http/options endpoint.

enabled boolean Set to true to enable periodical cleanup of the connection metadata.
override_log_level Top level item

Specifies the verbosity level of sessions handled by this connection policy. The log level of other connection policies is not affected. If disabled, the log level set at the /api/configuration/<protocol>/options endpoint is used.

  • To use the default log level, disable this option:

    "override_log_level": {
        "enabled": false
  • To use a custom log level for the connection policy, enable this option and set the log level to use:

    "override_log_level": {
        "enabled": true,
        "log_level": 5
policies Top level item List of policies referenced by the connection policy.
channel_policy string

References the identifier of the channel policy. The value of this option cannot be null.

To modify or add a channel policy, use the value of the returned key as the value of the channel_policy element, and remove any child elements (including the key).

You can configure HTTP channel policies at the /api/configuration/http/channel_policies/ endpoint.

settings string

References the identifier of the settings policy. The value of this option cannot be null.

To modify or add a settings policy for this protocol, use the value of the returned key as the value of the settings element, and remove any child elements (including the key).

You can configure HTTP settings policies at the /api/configuration/http/settings_policies/ endpoint.

audit_policy string

Cannot be null.

References the identifier of the audit policy. You can configure audit policies at the /api/configuration/policies/audit_policies/ endpoint.

To modify or add an audit policy, use the value of the returned key as the value of the audit_policy element, and remove any child elements (including the key).

ldap_server string

References the identifier of the LDAP server. You can configure LDAP servers at the /api/configuration/policies/ldap_servers/ endpoint.

To modify or add an LDAP server, use the value of the returned key as the value of the ldap_server element, and remove any child elements (including the key).

backup_policy string

References the identifier of the backup policy. You can configure backup policies at the /api/configuration/policies/backup_policies/ endpoint.

To modify or add a backup policy, use the value of the returned key as the value of the backup_policy element, and remove any child elements (including the key).

authentication_policy string

Cannot be null.

References the identifier of the authentication policy. You can configure authentication policies at the /api/configuration/http/authentication_policies/ endpoint.

To modify or add an authentication policy, use the value of the returned key as the value of the authentication_policy element, and remove any child elements (including the key).

usermapping_policy string

References the identifier of a Usermapping Policy. You can configure Usermapping Policies at the /api/configuration/policies/usermapping_policies/ endpoint.

To modify or add a Usermapping Policy, use the value of the returned key as the value of the usermapping_policies element, and remove any child elements (including the key).

archive_cleanup_policy string

References the identifier of the archive/cleanup policy. You can configure archive and cleanup policies at the /api/configuration/policies/archive_cleanup_policies/ endpoint.

To modify or add an archive/cleanup policy, use the value of the returned key as the value of the archive_cleanup_policy element, and remove any child elements (including the key).

analytics_policy string

References the identifier of the analytics policy. You can configure analytics policies at the /api/configuration/analytics/ endpoint.

To add or modify an analytics policy, use the value of the returned key as the value of the analytics element, and remove any child elements (including the key).

Elements of server_address Type Description
custom_dns string

Configures a DNS server that is used to reverse-resolve the hostname if the Channel Policy contains the address of the target as a hostname instead of an IP address. By default, this is disabled and SPS uses the DNS server set in the /api/configuration/network/dns endpoint.

  • To use the default DNS, disable this option:

    "server_address": {
        "custom_dns": {
            "enabled": false
  • To use a custom DNS, enable this option and set the IP address of the domain name server to use:

    "server_address": {
        "custom_dns": {
            "enabled": true,
            "server": ""
selection string

Configures the address where the clients connect to. Possible values are:

  • original

    Connect to the same address specified by the client.

  • nat

    Perform a network address translation on the target address.

    Must be used with the network element.

  • fix

    Must be used with the address and port elements.

  • inband

    Extract the address of the server from the username.

    Must be used with the domains element.

    Optional elements: exception_domains, dns_server, and dns_suffixes.

dns_server string

Can only be used if selection is set to inband.

IP address or the hostname of the domain name server used to resolve the address of the target server.

dns_suffixes list, string

Can only be used if selection is set to inband.

If the clients do not include the domain name when addressing the server (for example they use username@server instead of, SPS can automatically add domain information (for example

You can add multiple domain names. SPS attempts to resolve the target address by appending the domain names in the provided order, and uses the first successfully resolved address to establish the connection.

domains Top level list

Must be used if selection is set to inband.

domain Top level item Lists the address ranges that are included in the connection policy.
selection string

Specifies if the target address range is provided as a domain or as an IP range. Possible values are:

  • address

    The value of the target address is an IP range.

  • domain

    The value of the target address is a domain.

value string

The address range of the target server(s).

Use the selection element to specify if the address is an IP range, or a domain.

port int The port of the targer server(s).
exception_domains Top level list

Can only be used if selection is set to inband.

Lists the address ranges that are excluded from the connection policy.

domain Top level item Contains the excluded address range.
selection string

Specifies if the excluded address(es) are provided as a domain or as an IP range. Possible values are:

  • address

    The value of the excluded address is an IP range.

  • domain

    The value of the excluded address is a domain.

value string

The excluded address(es).

Use the selection element to specify if the address is an IP range, or a domain.

port int The excluded port.
Elements of web_proxy.transport_security Type Description
selection string

Configures the encryption used in the sessions.

  • disabled: Use unencrypted web proxy connection between the HTTP client and .

    "transport_security": {
        "selection": "disabled"
  • tls: Enables TLS-encryption.

    "transport_security": {
        "selection": "tls"
host_certification_method JSON object

Selects the certificate to show to the peers. You have the following options:

  • Use the same certificate for each connection:

    Select this option if you want to use the same certificate for each connection. Note that you must reference a certificate that includes its private key that you have already uploaded to SPS. For details, see Certificates stored on SPS.

    "host_certification_method": {
        "selection": "fix",
        "x509_identity": "893b7eb7-8c6f-403a-ba3a-1d09dc4b4c7a"
  • Generate a certificate for the target requested by the client:

    Select this option if you want to generate a certificate for the target requested by the client. Note that you must reference a Signing CA that you have already configured on SPS. For details, see Signing CA policies.

    "host_certification_method": {
        "selection": "generate",
        "signing_ca": "1904188625a843f11d30a5"
selection string

Possible values:

  • fix: if you want to use the same certificate for every peer.
  • generate: if you want to generate a certificate for the target requested by the client.
x509_identity string

Reference a certificate that includes its private key that you have already uploaded to SPS. For details, see Certificates stored on SPS.

signing_ca string

Reference the Signing CA that you have already configured on SPS. For details, see Signing CA policies.

Elements of body.transport_security Type Description
selection string

Configures the encryption used in the sessions.

  • disabled: Use unencrypted connection between the HTTP client and server.

    "transport_security": {
        "selection": "disabled"
  • client-only: Enables half-sided TLS encryption. Require HTTPS on client side, and HTTP on server side.

    "transport_security": {
        "selection": "client-only"
  • client-server: Enables end-to-end TLS-encryption. To allow unencrypted HTTP requests in addition to HTTPS requests, set allow_non_encrypted to true.

    "transport_security": {
        "selection": "client-server",
        "allow_non_encrypted": true
        "server_certificate_check": {}
allow_non_encrypted boolean Only if selection is set to client_server. To allow unencrypted HTTP requests in addition to HTTPS requests, set allow_non_encrypted to true.
server_certificate_check Top level item

By default, SPS accepts any certificate shown by the server.

"server_certificate_check": {
    "enabled": false

To verify the certificate of the destination server, configure and reference a Trusted CA list.

"server_certificate_check": {
    "enabled": true,
    "trusted_ca": "9106862955a844051d7bf6"
enabled boolean

To verify the certificate of the destination server, set to true. In this case, you will also have to reference a trusted_ca.

trusted_ca string

Reference a Trusted CA list.

host_certification_method JSON object

Selects the certificate to show to the peers. You have the following options:

  • Use the same certificate for each connection:

    Select this option if you want to use the same certificate for each connection. Note that you must reference a certificate that includes its private key that you have already uploaded to SPS. For details, see Certificates stored on SPS.

    "host_certification_method": {
        "selection": "fix",
        "x509_identity": "893b7eb7-8c6f-403a-ba3a-1d09dc4b4c7a"
  • Generate a certificate for the target requested by the client:

    Select this option if you want to generate a certificate for the target requested by the client. Note that you must reference a Signing CA that you have already configured on SPS. For details, see Signing CA policies.

    "host_certification_method": {
        "selection": "generate",
        "signing_ca": "1904188625a843f11d30a5"
selection string

Possible values:

  • fix: if you want to use the same certificate for every peer.
  • generate: if you want to generate a certificate for the target requested by the client.
x509_identity string

Reference a certificate that includes its private key that you have already uploaded to SPS. For details, see Certificates stored on SPS.

signing_ca string

Reference the Signing CA that you have already configured on SPS. For details, see Signing CA policies.

Elements of access_control Type Description
authorizer string

The usergroup (local or LDAP) who can authorize or audit the connection.

Local usergroups can be added or modified at the /api/configuration/aaa/local_database/groups/ endpoint.

permission string

Defines the permissions of the authorizer usergroup. Possible values are:

  • audit

    The usergroup with the audit permission can monitor ongoing connections, and download the audit trails of a closed and indexed connection.

  • authorize

    The usergroup with the authorize permission can authorize connection requests.

  • audit_and_authorize

    The usergroup with the audit_and_authorize permission can authorize connection requests, monitor connections, and download the audit trail of closed and indexed connections.

require_different_ip boolean Set to true to require the authorizing user and its subject to have different IP addresses.
require_different_username boolean Set to true to require the authorizing user and its subject to have different usernames.
subject Top level item Defines the subjects of the access control policy.
group string

The usergroup (local or LDAP) that is subject to the access control policy.

Local usergroups can be added or modified at the /api/configuration/aaa/local_database/groups/ endpoint.

selection string

Possible values:

  • everybody

    Every user is subject to the access control policy.

  • only

    Requires the group element.

    Members of the usergroup specified in the group element are subject to the access control policy.

Status and error codes

The following table lists the typical status and error codes for this request. For a complete list of error codes, see Application level error codes.

Code Description Notes
201 Created The new resource was successfully created.
400 InvalidQuery The requested filter or its value is invalid.
404 NotFound The requested object does not exist.

HTTP channels

The available HTTP channel types and their functionalities are described below. For details on configuring channel policies, see Channel policy.

Channel Special options Description
http No

http: Enables access to the server. This channel must be enabled for HTTP connections to work.

websocket No

websocket: Enables all WebSocket traffic. If the WebSocket channel type is not allowed, HTTP requests trying the WebSocket upgrade are rejected.

WebSocket/VNC audit trails: You can replay audit trails of a WebSocket connection in your browser or using the Safeguard Desktop Player application only if it contains Virtual Network Computing (VNC) traffic. For all other WebSocket connections, export the audit trail as a PCAP file and replay it using the Safeguard Desktop Player application.

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